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18 September 2024 21:31

The boss feels like a biological sister, the content of Rieke Diah Pitaloka's chat and this aspri make auto feel comfortable at work

The relationship between Rieke Diah Pitaloka and her assistant is more like siblings than superior and subordinate. Syeny Wulandari

Brilio.net - Rieke Diah Pitaloka is known as an actress, activist, and politician who has a brilliant career. Starting her career as Oneng in the comedy series Bajaj Bajuri, Rieke did not just stop in the world of art, but also plunged into the world of politics.

After completing his studies in Dutch Literature at the University of Indonesia, he joined the National Awakening Party (PKB) and was active in politics. His political career skyrocketed after joining the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) under the leadership of Megawati Soekarnoputri.

In her first term as a member of the House of Representatives from the West Java II electoral district, Rieke focused on health and public welfare issues in Commission IX. Important breakthroughs she made during her tenure included the Draft Law on State Civil Apparatus (RUU ASN).

However, behind her busy life as a politician, there is another side of Rieke's life that is so warm and humble. It can be seen from her close interaction with her personal assistant (aspri) . As a politician with a busy agenda, Rieke certainly needs support from her team, especially her personal assistant.

Uniquely, Rieke's relationship with her personal assistant is not limited to a superior and subordinate. In several screenshots of conversations between the two shared by the TikTok account @alvirazhr, it can be seen how they communicate so intimately. As if their relationship is more like siblings than superior and subordinate.

photo: TikTok/@alvirazhrn

In a chat, the assistant known as Alvira was seen asking whether Rieke would attend the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in Bogor. Although the location was quite far, Rieke casually and jokingly responded to the invitation to take a selfie with the staff.

" It's so funny, he likes to take selfies with the staff even though they're far away, " wrote the assistant in one of the photos he uploaded, as reported by brilio.net from TikTok/@alvirazhrn on Wednesday (18/9).

Warm interaction was also seen when Rieke asked about her schedule for the next day. This joke from the assistant showed that working with Rieke felt light and full of humor.

photo: TikTok/@alvirazhrn

Professionalism is maintained in their relationship. In one of the chats, it is seen that every post or content that will be shared on social media always goes through Rieke's approval.

" Permission to post, bukkk, " wrote the assistant.

Discipline in terms of administration, such as asking for permission and always having coordination after editing, shows that even though their relationship is warm, the aspect of professionalism is maintained. Warmth and jokes still appear even though the conversation is related to serious topics. In a conversation about the development of electricity infrastructure in the IKN that Rieke discussed in the trial.

photo: TikTok/@alvirazhrn

As someone who is always on standby with Rieke, the actress has indeed considered her assistant as her own family. Evidently, she reminded her assistant to take care of her health and take vitamins. Her assistant responded with affection, calling Rieke "my love." Rieke then asked for prayers to stay strong, and her assistant gave her support and encouragement.

photo: TikTok/@alvirazhrn

Throughout these interactions, a mix of professional communication and personal concern is evident. The assistants show genuine concern for Riekes well-being while supporting her work. In turn, Rieke appears friendly and caring toward her staff.

This dynamic creates a positive and productive working relationship, where the boundaries between boss and staff become more fluid due to mutual respect and affection.

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