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21 Mei 2024 10:39

Sitha Marino apologized that her proposal to Bastian Steel was just a perfume promotion gimmick, admitted that she was worried

Just to promote perfume, many celebrities and blue tick Instagram owners were fooled by the moment of Sitha and Bastian's proposal Ferra Listianti

Brilio.net - Some time ago, the public was shocked by Sitha Marino's upload on her Instagram page. Chicco Jerikho's sister-in-law showed a photo of herself with her lover, Bastian Steel, showing off the ring on her ring finger. Many suspect that the two are engaged.

photo: Instagram/@sithamarino

" It smells like forever. I love you! 18.05.2024 ," read his Instagram caption, reported by brilio.net Tuesday (21/5).

Suddenly, the upload was immediately filled with comments containing congratulations. Among the many congratulations, there are comments that attract attention. One of them was a comment from Sitha's sister, Putri Marino, who was surprised that she didn't know anything about her sister's engagement.

" How come I didn't know? Wow ," said Putri Marino in her comments.

This immediately invited questions from netizens. Apparently, the proposal moment uploaded by Sitha Marino was just a joke. Because, the portrait of Sitha and Bastian looking like a proposal in all black outfits is the concept for the release of their new perfume product.

Via Instagram Stories, Bastian's lover admitted that he was nervous and afraid of the action. Remembering, his upload a few days ago seemed to have lied to many people.

photo: Instagram/@sithamarino

" Okay, today is the day I post about my and Bastian's 'engagement'. It's like everyone has been lied to and now I feel nervous ," he said.

In fact, he felt anxious one day after uploading his portrait on his social media page. Putri Marino's younger brother also admitted that he was guilty of lying to the public with a proposal gimmick.

" And I felt like, 'jir, is this wrong or right? Like now what should I do ," added Sitha Marino.

photo: Instagram/@sithamarino

" Wow, this was actually yesterday's day 1 post! Anxiety is gone! " wrote Sitha Marino as a video caption.

Knowing that her actions had upset the public, Sitha apologized and promised to give gifts in the form of perfume products to netizens. The condition is that you must follow the Instagram account of the perfume product owned by Sitha Marino and Bastian Steel.

" As an apology to me and the team! I will give you free prizes and giveaways! " concluded Sitha Marino.

Netizens also wrote their comments, annoyed by Sitha Marino's upload last weekend. However, quite a few people are praying that the two of them will immediately carry out a proposal without gimmicks.

" Doctoral marketing is crazy, I was fooled ," said @vanilalatte01_


" It's a great gimmick, well, please pray kul! ," explained @nadyput29

" Oh my God, yesterday's post made me happy. I swear you two are really married. Amen ," added @wahyuningtyas1902

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