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30 Juli 2016 15:39

Saying goodbye to Philae the comet-landing robot

The plucky lander has been switched off Celia Tholozan
Saying goodbye to Philae the comet-landing robot

Brilio.net/en - Hundred of messages have come in from all over the world to say goodbye as NASA announced it would turn life support off the the historic robot Philae, which completed the first ever landing on a comet nucleus.

For the past seven past months, attempts at communication with the robot Philae have been unsuccessful. On Wednesday, the decision was made to put an official end to the mission.

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Philae captured the hearts of the world last year when the plucky little robot lander went on its epic, do-or-die mission to land on Comet 67P (ChuryumovGerasimenko) to gather as much information as it could about the composition and origins of comets.

Image via wikimedia

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Located more than 500 million kilometers away from Earth, the comet was spotted by a measuring probe called Rosetta.

After a trip of about 10 years to get in range, Rosetta eventually released Philae in August 2014. The operation was a success: Philae revealed much to scientists about the composition of the comet and provided detailed pictures where you can clearly see it is made out of ice, rocks and gas.

The creators of Philae knew the robot wouldnt last forever. It was working thanks to solar panels: just a few days after its landing, its energy went low and it took months for Philae to recharge. Since the comet is constantly moving further from the Sun, it became harder and harder for Philae to capture energy.

Nonetheless, even if now the contact with Philae has been completely shut down, Rosetta still has information to provide to the scientists. It will land on the comet soon to end up the mission by September 2016.

The Twitter accounts created to keep people updated about the progress of the small robot is now receiving messages of gratitude and farewells from all over the world.

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