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29 Desember 2024 13:04

Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis are included in BPJS covered by the government, this is the explanation from BPJS Kesehatan

Harvey Moeis and Sandra Dewi are known to be registered as class 3 BPJS Health participants. Khansa Nabilah
foto: Instagram/@sandradewi88

Brilio.net - News about Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis becoming BPJS participants covered by the government has garnered public attention. This information went viral on social media after user X's upload showed screenshots of their membership.

Based on the upload, both are registered as BPJS Kesehatan participants in the PBI APBD segment. This segment is intended for people with certain categories, including those whose contributions are paid by the government.

This narrative became even more popular after a screenshot shared by Youtuber Ferry Irwandi showed details of their membership. Harvey Moeis and Sandra Dewi are known to be registered as BPJS Kesehatan class 3 participants with a contribution scheme borne by the local government.

"Don't be fierce to them, guys, they are the poor who are supported by the government," wrote the X account @irwndfrry on Sunday (29/12).

photo: X/@irwndfrry

The upload received various comments from netizens. Not a few of them felt disappointed. However, there were also those who provided an explanation regarding the BPJS status of Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis.

"No wonder the sentence is light. The judge's morals must not be cruel if the sentence is too long, considering they are still living below the poverty line," said @PekerjaGalak_.

"If their ID card is from Jakarta, they are automatically paid from the APBD with the PBI facility. So it's not because they are poor, but because they are not registered for BPJS. In fact, this is BPJS's homework on how to get rich people to pay BPJS so that they are no longer PBI," explained @AnggaPutraF.

"At least if you get it for free from the Jakarta government, you should be self-aware, instead of continuing it, they say it's the rich. If this kind of thing is still found in many areas, it means that all the people here are opportunists, not the rich or the poor," said @Lukyerdiand.

"This PBI is still chaotic, bro. My relatives in Rawamangun, one housing complex, all got PBI. Even though it's a fairly elite complex. They didn't register themselves, but were given it directly by the RT or village head, I forgot," said @icik___.

"The pattern I find with people like this is: lack of empathy. From that lack of empathy, it will spread everywhere," said @sedangdipagar.

Explanation from BPJS Health

From the viral post, Head of Public Relations of BPJS Kesehatan Rizzky Anugerah clarified by confirming the information regarding the names of Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis in the list of participants. He explained that they are included in the PBPU Pemda segment or Non-Wage Recipient Participants, according to the old nomenclature of PBI APBD.

The PBPU Pemda segment has special rules in determining participants. Rizzky explained that residents included in this segment are those whose contributions are borne by the local government and are given the right to class 3 inpatient services.

"The results of the data check show that the person's name is included in the PBPU Pemda segment, aka Non-Wage Recipient Participants (old nomenclature of PBI APBD) of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government," he said when confirmed.

photo: Instagram/@sandradewi88

According to Rizzky, this segment is different from the Contribution Assistance Recipients (PBI) which are intended for poor or vulnerable communities. Participants in the PBPU Pemda category can come from residents with class 3 care rights without having to be classified as poor.

"The names included in the PBPU Pemda segment are fully determined by the local government," he said.

This program is designed to provide health services to people who are not yet registered in the JKN Program. Determination of participants is carried out based on local government decisions according to the needs of each region.

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