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8 September 2024 13:00

Saaih Halilintar failed to represent Banten at PON 2024 even though he had qualified, this is the reason

It is known that the administrative requirements have been submitted to Saaih since January 2024. Syeny Wulandari

Brilio.net - The 21st National Sports Week (PON) Aceh-North Sumatra, which will be held on September 9-20, 2024, is getting closer. Various preparations have been made by athletes from all over Indonesia to compete in this prestigious event .

However, amidst the excitement of the preparations, shocking news came from the Gen Halilintar family, especially Saaih Halilintar. Thariq Halilintar's younger brother was declared to have failed to represent Banten in the golf sport even though he had qualified.

The sixth child of the Gen Halilintar family was initially included in the list of 16 golf athletes who will compete in PON 2024. According to the family, Saaih has been training very diligently despite his busy filming schedule. Fateh Halilintar, Saaih's younger brother, revealed that his older brother often trains in the middle of the night after work.

"At 11, 12, even 1 in the morning, he was still practicing continuously," said Fateh in his interview on Pagi Pagi Ambyar Trans TV.

photo: Instagram/@saaihalilintar

Saaih also acknowledged his dedication in preparing for the 2024 PON. In between his busy daily activities, he still makes time to exercise and train physically consistently.

"Every time I wake up, I run straight away for stamina, 30 minutes to 1 hour, gym for 1 hour, training for 1.5 hours, then do other activities, including business and filming," said Saaih.

However, despite the serious efforts and preparations made, Saaih was ultimately unable to participate in PON XXI due to administrative issues. The Manager of the Banten Golf PON Team, Paulus Rudy, explained that Saaih and several other athletes were late in completing the administrative requirements that had been submitted since January 2024.

"Requirements such as KTP, Family Card, BPJS, and NPWP must be completed by athletes. However, Saaih still used a DKI Jakarta KTP when filling in the initial data, and we only received the KTP and KK from Banten in March," said Paulus Rudy as quoted by brilio.net from YouTube SCTV, Sunday (8/9).

photo: YouTube/SCTV

The problem became more complicated when by the end of July 2024, several important files such as NPWP and BPJS from Saaih were incomplete. Rudy added that his party had reminded Saaih and his team to immediately complete the administrative requirements , but the response received was late.

"Meanwhile, from Saaih's side until July 30, there was my WA, still asking 'Uncle, can the NPWP be used by his parents?' My question meant, one has not been taken care of, secondly I answered at that time, 'Sorry, Saaih cannot participate in PON because he did not pass the administrative stage'," explained Paulus Rudy.

The decision not to include Saaih in the list of Banten PON athletes was finally made on August 1, 2024, when the official decree was issued by PB PON. Although the NPWP and BPJS files from Saaih were finally received on August 1, it was too late to change the decision.

"Meanwhile, Saaih himself sent it to me on August 1, there is also evidence, his NPWP and BPJS. Yes, I have said, 'It's too late, I apologize. I don't dare to take the risk of including players whose requirements are not met because it is also risky for the team because we have a team game. Moreover, Banten only qualified two male athletes'," said Paulus Rudy.

photo: Instagram/@saaihalilintar

Despite his disappointment, Paulus Rudy expressed his hope that Saaih Halilintar would not lose heart and continue his career as a golf athlete.

"I apologize to Saaih and his team, I hope Saaih does not give up. The athlete's journey is still long," he concluded.

Saaih Halilintar's failure to participate in PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024 is an important lesson about the importance of administrative completeness in the world of sports. Although an athlete's ability and physical preparation are very important, administrative rules cannot be ignored if you want to compete at the national level.

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