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21 Agustus 2024 16:25

Responding to the issue of fighting over children, Ruben Onsu's camp speaks out, says their relationship is still fine

Ruben Onsu has been separated from Sarwendah for 6 months. Ferra Listianti

Brilio.net - Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah's divorce trial was held again at the South Jakarta District Court today, Wednesday (21/8). The trial this time was scheduled for witness statements. Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah presented 2 witnesses, namely their employees, Arif and Lala.

However, the person concerned was not present and was only represented by their respective lawyers. Minola Sebayang, Ruben's lawyer, also spoke up regarding the relationship between his client and Sarwendah which is currently on the brink. Apparently it was revealed that Ruben Onsu has been separated from his wife for 6 months. However, the Brownis presenter never forgets his responsibility as a father.

Ruben Onsu's camp responds to child fight issue

"Still. Because the child, there is no ex-child. So still, Ruben is responsible for the child, as usual. So these children do not feel that something is happening to their parents," said Minola Sebayang, as reported by brilio.net from liputan6.com, Wednesday (21/8).

Regarding her children who live with Sarwendah, Minola also gave her reasons. None other than because her two children are still minors so they still need supervision from their mother.

"What's important is that the children are with Wendah. These children are still minors, of course, because they are minors, where their mother is, that's where they are. That's safer. Although if anything happens, as a father, Ruben's role will definitely still be there," he explained.

However, he did not know anything about the decision of Ruben's three children who chose to be with Sarwendah whether it was based on the results of a discussion or was colored by a commotion. Likewise with his stepchild, Betrand Peto who now lives with the former girlband Cherrybelle.

Ruben Onsu's camp responds to child fight issue

"I never knew because I was never informed about the results of the discussion, whether there was any fighting," Minola Sebayang continued while ensuring that her client's communication with Sarwendah was smooth.

He just made sure that the relationship between Ruben Onsu and his three children was not hampered at all. In fact, the communication that was established was still very good. Like some time ago, his three children gave a surprise for Ruben Onsu's birthday.

"But what's important is this, what my friends see, Ruben still has a good relationship and communication with his children. That's what happened (Betrand joined Sarwendah)," added Minola Sebayang.

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