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3 April 2024 15:03

Ready to welcome Synchronize Fest 2024, After Movie 2023 is released!

The expressions of joy and emotion that emerged from the Warga-Wargi's faces were reflected in the After Movie with a duration of 7 minutes and 29 seconds. Ida Setyaningsih
Ready to welcome Synchronize Fest 2024, After Movie 2023 is released! foto: dok. Synchronize Fest

Brilio.net - The excitement of Synchronize Fest 2023 has been going on since seven months ago with the theme #BhinnekaTunggalMusik. The music festival, which was held on September 4-6, succeeded in pampering Indonesian music lovers. There are many unforgettable moments.

How could it not be, a number of top artists and musicians such as Slank, God Bless, Noah, Tulus, The Adams, Nadin Amizah, and others managed to put on spectacular performances on various types of Synchronize Fest stages. Starting from Gigs Stage, XYZ, Forest, Lake, District, Dynamic, and Oleng Upuk Record Market and other rides.

Synchronize Fest 2023 also succeeded in getting Warga-Wargi (the name for Synchronize Festival spectators) to join in celebrating the special performance. Such as Iwan Fals X Sawung Jabo, Soneta Then there was also Time Machine 2.0: Friends Singing NAIF Songs, Rhoma and JKT 48's special appearance with Ex-Members Gen 1 JKT 48.

photo: doc. Synchronize Fest

Various exciting memories from Synchronize Fest 2023 were recorded in the After Movie which was released on the website www.synchronizefestival.com .

The expressions of joy and emotion that emerged from the Warga-Wargi's faces were reflected in the After Movie with a duration of 7 minutes and 29 seconds. The video was made by the production house Saka Space. The release of After Movie is the opening sign to welcome Synchronize Fest 2024 with the theme #TogetherBersama.

Meanwhile, Synchronize Fest 2024 tickets entitled #PromoSilaturahmi will be sold on April 3 2024 starting at 13:00 - 17:00 WIB. Orders can be made on the website www.synchronizefestival.com . The price is Rp. 550,000 (includes tax and handling fees).

Every year, Warga-Wargi further strengthens its position as an important part of the success of the Synchronize Festival. So, it cannot be denied that they have achieved a reputation as the best crowd in all music festivals in the country.

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