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21 Agustus 2024 15:15

[QUIZ] Are you into running? Find out if your style of dress when exercising is similar to Fuji or Aaliyah Massaid

Which style is more like you? Hapsari Afdilla
[QUIZ] Are you into running? Find out if your style of dress when exercising is similar to Fuji or Aaliyah Massaid Instagram/@fuji_an; @aaliyah.massaid

Brilio.net - Are you a fan of running who also cares about style? No need to be confused, you can be inspired by the style of dress of celebrities when exercising. In this quiz, we will explore the sports style of two rising young Indonesian stars - Fuji and Aaliyah Massaid. Curious whether your running style is more like the energetic Fuji or the stylish Aaliyah Massaid? Come on, take this quiz and find out!

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