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12 Juli 2024 10:40

Questioned by 50 questions for 10 hours, Tiko Aryawardhana denies accusations of embezzling IDR 6.9 billion

Tiko emphasized that the funds were used purely for the company's interests. Khansa Nabilah
foto: Instagram/@tikoaryawardhana

Brilio.net - Tiko Aryawardhana is undergoing investigation regarding alleged embezzlement of money in office worth IDR 6.9 billion. This allegation was reported by his ex-wife, Arina Winarto.

However, Tiko denied this support. Irfan Aghasar, attorney for Bunga Citra Lestari's husband, said that during the examination his client explained that the funds were used purely for the company's interests.

"Nothing. For me, the BAP was very clear regarding allegations of embezzlement in office," said Irfan Aghasar at the South Jakarta Metro Police, quoted by Brilio from Liputan 6, Friday (12/7).

As a director, Irfan emphasized that his client did not use the money for personal gain. Thus, the money is used for the company.

photo: Merdeka.com/Bachtiarudin Alam

"As a director, Mr. Tiko explained that the flow of funds was purely for the company's interests, and was not for personal interests," added Irfan.

Irfan explained that the restaurant business was built when Tiko was still husband and wife with Arina Winarto. This business was built internally, all shareholders are related.

"There are three shareholders, all of whom have family ties. One is a father-in-law, two are husband and wife. So this business was built internally. There are no other parties involved in this company," explained Irfan.

photo: Instagram/@tikoaryawardhana

The income from this business fluctuates because it depends on the visitors who come. However, the company still has to pay quite a lot of operational costs.

"The restaurant business is sometimes busy, sometimes quiet. There are also a lot of costs, building rent, equipment and so on, employee salaries, and that's all the cost burden. When the restaurant closes it becomes Mas Tiko's responsibility," said Irfan.

Irfan added that this company is a family business, so the reports submitted are not as formal as companies in general.

"So, if the reporter demands professionalism now, why not before when reporting? So that is the input material in this investigation process," concluded Irfan.

photo: Instagram/@tikoaryawardhana

The investigation lasted for approximately 10 hours starting at 10.00 WIB last Thursday (11/7), Tiko received 40 to 50 questions. However, after the investigation was completed, Tiko did not provide any response regarding the case.

However, he emphasized that this case had nothing to do with his wife, BCL. Therefore, Tiko requested that the legal case he is currently facing not be linked to BCL.

"I want to remind my friends that I want to inform you that, for example, this is my problem with my ex-wife. It has nothing to do with BCL at all. So please don't write about BCL or use her photo in reporting on this problem," he said.

After saying this, Tiko immediately left the South Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters area.

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