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6 Februari 2024 15:22

Previously studying Economics, comedian Moncer's fate was to be a farmer, he had a house with a 2 hectare garden

Since 2021, this comedian has chosen to change his profession as a farmer. He also succeeded in having a big house and a garden covering an area of 2 hectares. Syeny Wulandari

Brilio.net - It's no secret that working in the entertainment world looks very tempting. How could it not be, just a few hours appearing on the screen, celebrities can earn millions of rupiah. It's not surprising that many people aspire to become artists.

Even so, in reality the glamor of the entertainment world cannot always be enjoyed by all artists. The proof is that there are artists who have shifted gears to other professions, such as farmers. This decision was chosen by Narji.

Narji is a top comedian who often appears on various Indonesian television shows. His name became known when he joined a comedy group called Cagur, which is an abbreviation for Calon Guru .

Narji's own comedy talent has actually started to show since elementary school. At that time he was entertaining many people at a school bonfire event.

photo: Instagram/@narji77

One of the teachers from Narji's school saw this talent and gathered five children (including Narji) to create a comedy group. He also started his career journey through this opportunity.

Narji started writing a script to perform with his comedy group. But unfortunately, of the five children who joined, only Narji is involved in the world of comedy.

Growing up, the owner of the real name Sunarji Riski Radifan Pandia studied higher education at the Jakarta State University (UNJ) majoring in economics. At that time, he formed a comedy group called Cagur in 1997. Initially the group consisted of Denny, Narji, and Sapto which was later changed to Bedu.

photo: Instagram/@dennycagur

Later Bedu was also replaced by Wendy. The names of the prospective teachers were created because they are all students at Jakarta State University (UNJ) majoring in economics and civil engineering.

Through this comedy group, Narji's name began to be known to many people. The beginning of Cagur's career began when they won third place in the Student Humor (HAM) competition which was held in 1997 at RCTI.

After three years, Cagur took part in another comedy competition called National Humor which was organized by the Indonesian Humor Institute (LHI). They also got third place. From there the three of them began to become widely known until the name Cagur became a new identity for Narji, Denny and Wendy.

photo: YouTube/Indonesian Family Entertainment

Narji, who was successful with Cagur, created another comedy group, namely Trio Semprul. This group consists of Andhika Pratama and Gading Marten, although in the end Narji was replaced by comedian Uus.

In 2018, the comedy group Cagur faced problems. After more than 20 years of career together, that year Narji decided to leave Cagur, which had made his name famous.

Narji openly gave the reasons why he left the group. In a video broadcast on YouTube, the 46-year-old man admitted that there was inequality in Cagur.

He regretted the management's attitude of never answering things that were bothering him. This went on for months.

"There were several things I asked management that were not answered, and every time I asked, there were always many reasons not to be answered. Maybe if the questions were answered, I could draw conclusions or understand, realizing that it might be management or something like that," he said, quoted brilio.net from Abang Narji's YouTube.

Narji emphasized that the reason he left was because there was a problem with management. He has no personal problems with Denny or Wendy. In fact, the relationship between the three friends is still good.

After leaving Cagur, Narji is rumored to be pursuing a solo career. Then in 2021, the comedian apparently decided to become a farmer after many jobs were reduced due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

photo: YouTube/Abang Narji

Narji's success as a farmer began when he accidentally went to Pekalongan, the hometown of his wife, Dyan. He was interested when he learned that vegetable traders selling in Jakarta actually had successful lives in Pekalongan. This made Narji interested and he finally decided to try investing in agriculture.

Even though he has no background in agriculture, this did not dampen Narji's enthusiasm. Together with his family and assisted by his father-in-law, Narji learned how to manage land to become a successful farmer.

photo: YouTube/AH

In pursuing his current profession, he is known to have 2 hectares of land behind his house for farming. Narji uses this large garden to grow various plants. For example, from red ginger, lemongrass, taro, to corn, which completes Narji's home garden.

Even though he can now manage his own garden, Narji is not stingy in sharing his knowledge of planting with the community. He creates content on his social media with the aim of educating and motivating many people to start gardening from home.

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