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31 Maret 2024 11:28

Presenter Hilbram Dunar passes away, Teuku Wisnu remembers his figure as a kind neighbor

Hilbram Dunar breathed his last breath while being treated at EMC Alam Sutera Hospital, South Tangerang. Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
Presenter Hilbram Dunar passes away, Teuku Wisnu remembers his figure as a kind neighbor foto: Instagram/@hilbramdunar

Brilio.net - Grief once again enveloped the Indonesian entertainment world, Sunday (31/3), the famous presenter Hilbram Dunar died at the age of 48, at 00.39 WIB. Hilbram breathed his last breath while being treated at EMC Alam Sutera Hospital, South Tangerang. The news of Hilbram Dunar's death was conveyed by his wife, Denny Lusiana, via an Instagram story on her personal Instagram account.

" Innalillahi wa innailahi rojiun. HILBRAM DUNAR has passed away. Beloved husband of Denny Lusiana / beloved father of Ranu and Via. Please forgive all his mistakes... May the deceased be husnul khotimah, " wrote Deny Lusiana in his Instagram stories upload, reported by brilio.net on Sunday (31/3).

Before he died, Hilbram was undergoing a series of chemotherapy sessions to treat cancer cells in his body. The chemotherapy process has started on November 6 2023. In a post on TikTok, Hilbram also shared his experience while undergoing chemotherapy. He revealed about the discovery of a tumor in his intestines and hoped that the chemotherapy process could overcome the cancer cells in his body.

" Bismillahirohmanirrohim. Today we will undergo chemotherapy for the first time. Please pray for an effective healing and quick complete recovery, " he wrote in the TikTok upload.

photo: Instagram/@hilbramdunar

Fellow Indonesian celebrities are certainly sorry to hear this news, including Teuku Wisnu. Through his Instagram account, Teuku Wisnu expressed his condolences to the late Hilbram and his family. Living in the same neighborhood, Shireen Sungkar's husband said that Hilbram Dunar was a good neighbor.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun
Allahummaghfirlahu warhamhu waafihi wafuanhu

"My kind neighbor, Mr @hilbramdunar, has passed away, " he wrote in the caption.

Still in his upload, the father of two children also hopes that all of Hilbram Dunar's deeds of worship during his lifetime will be accepted by the Creator. Along with this statement, he included a photo of Hilbram in black and white format.

photo: Instagram/@teukuwisnu

" Hopefully all of Mas Hilbram's deeds will be accepted and all mistakes and sins will be erased by Allah Ta'ala in this holy month of Ramadan. And for the family left behind by Ms @dennylusiana, and her two children @ranudunar and Virpia Dunar, may they be given fortitude ," he concluded.

Hilbram died leaving behind a wife and two children. During his life, he was active as a presenter, public speaker, book author, and motivator. Hilbram's body will rest in the burial place at Jalan Kasuari XII HB 15 Number 6, Bintaro Jaya Sector 9, Pondok Pucung, South Tangerang. The plan is that funeral prayers will be held at the Bintaro Grand Mosque on Sunday, March 31 2024, at noon.

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