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5 September 2024 18:41

Pope Francis suffers from chronic pain, know the causes, symptoms and prevention

Even though he is no longer young and has a history of poor health, the Pope remains active in carrying out his duties. Niko Sulpriyono
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Brilio.net - Pope Francis, the supreme leader of the world's Catholic Church, made an apostolic visit to Indonesia on September 3-6, 2024, which is said to be his longest trip. Although he is no longer young and has a history of poor health , the Pope remains active in carrying out his duties.

Since 2022, he has had to use a wheelchair due to problems with his knees . During his visit to Indonesia, the Vatican said that the Pope was accompanied by a personal doctor and two nurses. Health problems have caused Pope Francis to miss several important events. According to a report by reuters.com, the Pope has long suffered from sciatica, a chronic nerve condition that causes pain in the back, hips and legs.

It is important to note that chronic pain is different from acute pain, which generally lasts only a short time. Chronic pain can last more than three months and can appear for no apparent reason. This condition often interferes with daily activities, sleep, and mental health.

What exactly is chronic pain? You also need to know the explanation, causes, symptoms, and prevention. Check out the review that brilio.net has collected from various sources on Thursday (5/9).

Causes of chronic pain.

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Chronic pain can be caused by a variety of factors. According to the Journal of Pain Research "Chronic Pain: An Overview of Recent Advances in Understanding and Management" (2021), the main causes of chronic pain include injury, chronic disease, and nervous system disorders. Some conditions that often cause chronic pain are arthritis, fibromyalgia, and neuropathy.

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that can cause prolonged pain and stiffness. Fibromyalgia can cause pain throughout the body along with fatigue and sleep disturbances.

In addition, chronic pain can also occur due to injuries that do not heal properly or inflammation that lasts a long time. In some cases, pain occurs without a clear cause, which is called idiopathic pain. Then disorders of the nervous system, such as nerve damage due to diabetes or infection, can also cause chronic pain.

Symptoms of chronic pain.

photo: freepik.com/luis_molinero

Symptoms of chronic pain vary and can be very disruptive. According to the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation "Management of Chronic Pain: A Comprehensive Review" (2022), common symptoms of chronic pain include persistent pain, persistent discomfort, and sleep disturbances.

People with chronic pain may experience sharp, burning, or constant pain. These symptoms often affect not only the body, but also the mental and emotional state.

In addition to physical pain, chronic pain sufferers can also experience fatigue, depression, and anxiety. Fatigue can occur due to disturbed sleep due to pain, while depression and anxiety are responses to prolonged pain and its impact on daily life. Then mental and physical health themselves are interrelated, so it is important to address both aspects simultaneously.

Prevention of chronic pain.

photo: freepik.com/lucigerma

Chronic pain prevention involves a holistic and integrated approach. According to the Clinical Journal of Pain "Preventive Strategies for Chronic Pain: Evidence-Based Approaches" (2023), effective preventive measures include a healthy lifestyle, stress management, and appropriate medical care.

Some steps that can be taken to prevent chronic pain include:

1. Maintain ideal body weight.

Being overweight can put extra stress on your joints and increase your risk of chronic pain, especially in conditions like arthritis. Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can help you maintain a healthy weight.

2. Exercise regularly.

Regular physical activity can strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, and reduce the risk of injury. Exercises such as yoga or Pilates can also help reduce muscle tension while improving overall health.

3. Avoid activities that risk injury.

It is important to recognize and avoid activities that can cause injury or worsen existing conditions. When engaging in risky activities, for example, it is important to wear protection.

4. Relaxation techniques and stress management.

Stress can worsen chronic pain. Relaxation techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises, and physical therapy can help manage stress and reduce pain.

5. Medical consultation and treatment.

It is important to get the right medical advice and follow the treatment plan as recommended by your doctor. Medical treatment may include the use of pain relievers, physical therapy, and other medical interventions as needed.

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