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14 Februari 2024 19:20

Old portrait of 42 celebrities from junior high school, Dian Sastro's plain face manglingi pol

Having a beautiful effect, their level succeeds in stunning. Dwiyana Pangesthi
Old portrait of 42 celebrities from junior high school, Dian Sastro's plain face manglingi pol

Brilio.net - The life stories of Indonesian celebrities are always interesting. Not only the most updated life, but also the story of his teenage years. It's like exploring an old portrait of him when he was still in junior high school (SMP).

Through their Instagram pages, celebrities sometimes also remember the beautiful moments when they were at school. Having a beautiful impression, their faces successfully stun you. However, there are also those who have succeeded in making panlings, you know. The reason is that his old school portrait looks different from today.

Are you curious about what their portraits looked like when they were in middle school? Here, brilio.net has collected from various sources old portraits of celebrities from middle school, Wednesday (14/2).

1. Denny Cagur in middle school had a hairstyle with bangs. Very beautiful.

photo: Instagram/@dennycagur

2. Do you think you can recognize it or not? This is a portrait of Maia Estianty when she was still in class 2 of junior high school.

photo: Instagram/@maiaestiantyreal

3. Still very cute, Mona Ratuliu was said to look like Syifa Hadju.

photo: Instagram/@monaratuliu

4. Ariel was in junior high school in 1995.

photo: Instagram/@danyjumadi

5. Via Vallen showed his junior high school student card in 2004. Wow, it's still well kept.

photo: Instagram/@viavallen

6. Did you used to like wearing hats like Baim Wong's style?

photo: special

7. Since she was a teenager, Ayu Ting Ting has tried her luck by entering the world of entertainment, you know.

photo: Instagram/@ayutingting92

8. Can you guess who this is? Yep, this is Ussy Sulistiawaty. Her hair style successfully stole attention.

photo: Instagram/@ussypratama

9. Ahmad Dhani reminisces about his friends as a teenager

photo: Instagram/@ahmadhaniofficial

10. Marion Jola has a lot of sweet memories from when she was still at school.

photo: Facebook/Lala Marion

11. It cannot be denied that Luna Maya's beauty has never changed.

photo: Instagram/@lunamaya.story

12. Ersa Mayori's transformation during the school era. The beauty is long-lasting.

photo: Instagram/@ersamayori

13. Through his Instagram account, Aming reminisces about his junior high school days.

photo: Instagram/@amingisback

14. The thin smile pose that was very typical of the past when taking photos, including the one done by Cita Citata.

photo: Instagram/@cita_citata

15 Like this portrait, Isyana is wearing a school uniform with her hair tied up, it's really charming, isn't it?

photo: Instagram/@lagulawaz

16. Agnes Mo's sweet smile shines when she captures moments with her school friends

photo: Instagram/@agnezmo

17. Now wearing a hijab, this is a portrait of Deswita Maharani when she was still in junior high school, looking beautiful with long hair accessorized with a headband

photo: Instagram/@serba_serbi.djadoel

18. The singer of Hijrah Cinta, Rossa looked so cute when she was in junior high school.

photo: Instagram/@itsrossa

19. Wanda Hamida takes a photo with her mother, wearing a junior high school uniform, her hair is cut short. His appearance as a teenager makes you wonder, right?

photo: Instagram/@wanda_hamidah

20. Dian Sastro's style at school seems quite different from now. Wearing glasses looks really nerdy, right?

photo: Instagram/@therealdisastr

21. With her middle school friends, Feni Rose's hairstyle is still short.

photo: Instagram/@fenirose

22. Iconic with short hair, this is a photo from the late Nike Ardila's teenage years with long hair.

photo: Instagram/@nikeardilla_id

23. The little singer Enno Lerian has been known since he was a child. This is Enno's warm moment with his middle school friends.

photo: Instagram/@ennolerian_

24. The beautiful artist Prilly Latuconsina was no less adorable when she shared a portrait of her student card when she was in junior high school.

photo: special

25. Photos lined up with his friends, Rezky Aditya's style of wearing glasses is quite eye-catching, right?

photo: Instagram/@thereal_rezkyadhitya

26. Ayudia Bing Slamet and Ditto Percussion also studied at the same place.

photo: Instagram/@dittopercussion

27. Portrait of Lesti wearing a white and blue uniform. She has been wearing the hijab for a long time.

photo: YouTube: Indosiar

28. Are you in the same year as Nella Kharisma? Have you ever posed like this in middle school?

photo: Special

29. Putri D'Academy's compact style with her friends is perfect for posing. My daughter is still innocent and doesn't know about skincare yet~

photo: Special

30. This is a photo of Ayu Dewi when she was still at school. Regi Datau's wife still looks innocent without makeup.

photo: Instagram/@edrictjandra

31. Posting a photo with her mother, this portrait of Natasha Rizky when she was still in junior high school makes me really excited. On his mother's birthday, he was seen recreating an old photo of her

photo: Instagram/@natasharizkynew

32. This portrait of Annisa Pohan when she was a magazine model is really sweet. With her hair in two pigtails, this was a valuable experience for Annisa.

photo: Instagram/@annisayudhoyono

33. Rina Nose displayed a naturally beautiful and sweet face with a faint smile when she was still in junior high school.

photo: Instagram/@rinanose16

34. Portrait of Amanda Manopo looking innocent and naturally beautiful when she was in junior high school.

photo: Instagram/@holla.mandaskatic

35. In contrast to now, which looks more feminine, Sigi Wimala's face when she was in middle school looked really tomboyish with her hair down.

photo: Instagram/@sigiwamila

36. Now that you are becoming more well-known, are you quite curious to see Tiara LIDA's appearance in middle school?

photo: Instagram/@lida1_tiara

37. Portrait of Chelsea in middle school. In this photo, he is increasingly active in the entertainment industry and has appeared in several soap operas.

photo: Instagram/@chelseaoliviaa

38. Portrait of the closeness of Ashanty and Aurel when he was still in junior high school.

photo: Instagram/@aurelie.hermansyah

39. As if she doesn't age, this portrait of Cut Tari when she was still in junior high school has succeeded in making people's heads turn.

photo: Instagram/@majalahjadoel

40. When he was in middle school, Tantri Kotak joined a band called Athena, you know. The style is complete metal!

photo: Instagram/@tantrisyalindri

41. There's no need to doubt his handsomeness. Since childhood, Andhika Pratama has been really glowing

photo: Instagram/@andhiikapratama

42. The moment when Ivan Gunawan took a photo with his junior high school friends while attending the Indonesian School in Moscow in 1992-1996.

photo: Instagram/@ivan_gunawan

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