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1 Agustus 2024 14:45

Not only recommended for women, here are 5 benefits of the HPV vaccine for men

Preventing exposure before vaccination turns out to be much more effective and cost-effective. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
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Brilio.net - Most people think that the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection vaccine is only for women. In fact, the vaccine, which aims to prevent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection which causes genital warts, cervical cancer and vaginal cancer, has several benefits for men.

Therefore, men are also advised to get the HPV vaccine. Adapting from Antara News, a skin and genital specialist from the Association of Indonesian Skin and Venereology Specialists (Perdoski) Dr. Dr. Wresti Indriatmi, Sp.DVE, Subsp. Ven., M.Epid, FINSDV, FAADV recommend that men also be given the HPV vaccine.

It is further explained that the HPV vaccine is given to men to prevent the risk of cervical cancer in their partners when having intimate relations. In addition, this vaccine also protects men against the risk of anogenital warts by 90%.

If we investigate more deeply, it turns out that the benefits of the HPV vaccine in men are not only that. There are several benefits of the HPV vaccine for men. Therefore, it is highly recommended that men or women, especially those who have had sexual relations, get the HPV vaccine.

So what are the benefits of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for men? Come on, see the complete review below, brilio.net adapted from various sources, Thursday (1/8).

1. Prevent cancer.

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Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a disease that can cause various risks of cancer in men, such as penile, anal and oropharyngeal cancer. Although penile cancer itself is relatively rare, it can have a very serious impact on a man's physical and mental health.

Likewise with anal cancer, the incidence of which has increased in recent decades. More common in men who have sex with men. Meanwhile, oropharyngeal cancer related to the throat, tongue and tonsils can be caused by HPV. HPV vaccination can certainly reduce the risk of these cancers.

2. Protect yourself from genital warts.

Genital warts, caused by certain strains of HPV, are a very common sexually transmitted infection. This disease can appear in the genital area, anus, or throat. Even though they are not life-threatening, genital warts are certainly very disturbing to someone.

The reason is, when exposed to genital warts, a person must undergo repeated treatment. Even the healing procedures tend to be painful. Therefore, one way to prevent it is the HPV vaccine. The HPV vaccine is very effective in preventing the virus strains that cause most genital warts, so men avoid genital warts.

3. Reduce the spread of viruses.

Furthermore, the benefits of the HPV vaccine cannot be separated from reducing the spread of this virus. As is known, HPV is very easily transmitted through skin-to-skin contact during sexual activity. A man infected with HPV can easily transmit it to his sexual partners, even if there are no visible symptoms.

By vaccinating men, you not only protect these individuals, but also reduce the likelihood of them becoming vectors of transmission to others. The result could create a "herd immunity" effect, where even unvaccinated individuals benefit from reduced circulation of the virus in the population.

4. Indirectly protects women.

photo: freepik.com

Although HPV vaccination is often focused on preventing cervical cancer in women, male vaccination also plays an important role in the strategy to prevent HPV disease. By reducing the number of men who carry or can transmit the virus, you indirectly protect women from exposure to infection.

This is very important, considering that not all women will be vaccinated or have access to routine cervical cancer screening. Cross-protection can increase the overall effectiveness of the HPV vaccination program in preventing HPV-related diseases in all communities regardless of gender.

5. Prevent before exposure.

The effectiveness of the HPV vaccine is very high when given before a person is exposed to the virus, which usually occurs through sexual activity. This is why vaccination is recommended for boys and girls at 11-12 years of age.

However, vaccination is still useful for those aged 11-12 and over or people who are sexually active. Because, it is possible that you have not been exposed to HPV, so as far as possible you must carry out the HPV vaccine for both women and men.

Preventing exposure before being exposed by early vaccination turns out to be much more effective and cost-effective than treating HPV infection or complications after exposure to HPV.

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