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20 Mei 2024 16:25

Not accepting that Indonesia is called a poor country, Ayu Ting Ting's father broke into a Malaysian citizen during the Hajj

Abdul Rozak does not accept that his country is called poor and says that there are many successful people in Indonesia Ferra Listianti
Instagram/@depoklagi; @mom_ayting92_

Brilio.net - Ayu Ting Ting's parents, Umi Kalsum and Abdul Rozak are currently undergoing the Hajj pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Mecca. Not only the two of them, Ayu Ting Ting's in-law candidate, Rakaya, also participated in the pilgrimage. However, instead of highlighting their moment together, netizens were actually shocked by Abdul Rozak's actions while eating at a restaurant.

In the video uploaded by the Instagram account @depoklagi, Abdul Rozak appears to be arguing with one of the congregation from Malaysia. It is suspected that this was because the man known as Ayah Ojak did not accept the Malaysian congregation, who insulted Indonesia and called it a poor country.

Ojak's father couldn't control his anger when he heard the insult. He immediately approached the Malaysian citizen and tried to reprimand him. However, his actions were stopped by a man who tried to calm him down by saying istigfar.

photo: Instagram/@depoklagi

"Don't insult my country, I'm Indonesia," said Abdul Rozak, reported by brilio.net from Instagram @depoklagi, on Monday (20/5).

Still being held by a man who was trying to calm him down, the father of two seemed to give confirmation to the congregation from Malaysia. Ojak's father revealed that Indonesia is not a poor country. There are still many people in Indonesia who are successful.

"There are many successful people, sir, not just Malaysia," he said again while being comforted by the people around him.

The wife was also heard becoming angry and defending her husband. Meanwhile, Muhammad Fardana's mother was smiling when she saw the commotion of her future in-laws.

photo: Instagram/@depoklagi

"You cannot speak ill of a country," said Abdul Rozak.

"Who shops in Malaysia? There are lots of Indonesians. Astagfirullah aladzim," added the wife again," added Ayu Ting Ting's mother.

Unfortunately, the words spoken by the Malaysian congregation were not clearly heard, which made Ayu Ting Ting's father furious. Netizens who saw the video also defended this man who works as a Civil Servant (PNS).

"There's nothing wrong with Ojak's father, what are Malaysians doing while worshiping and giving back to their country, so anyone will be offended," said @lukman_syahputra_s.sos

"Ojak's father was right and not wrong, he defended himself for his country which was insulted, even though he didn't close his eyes, he was still far behind compared to Malaysia," added Yohanes.didit

"On the Ojak father," explained @nungkynoey

"Just leave it alone, don't think about it, just focus on worship, he's like that because he didn't qualify for the Asian Cup," said @krisnawijayasakti .

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