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21 Maret 2016 18:12

Need help in getting your work done? Just press this white button

Slightly smaller than a coaster, the white humble button of Saent will keep your focus on track for a certain period of time. Nadia Bintoro
© cityam.com

Brilio.net/en - Having difficulties completing your tasks amidst the bombardment of online distractions? This white button will come in handy.

Saent, pronounced as saint is a distraction-blocking hardware and software that will shoo away all the nuisances coming from the Internet so that you can focus on finishing your job.

Slightly smaller than a coaster, the white humble button of Saent will keep your focus on track for a certain period of time. The button is linked to a program in your computer that will launch a focused work session.

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To use it, user needs to set their desired work window be it 15 minutes or 50 and then with a slight tap on the Saent button, anything unrelated to work vanishes into a digital blackhole. An indicator light will track users progress during the work session and inform once the time is up so you can catch up to get the work done on time.


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Saent was built based on the Pomodoro Technique; and idea that multitasking despite its popularity, is not the most effective way to get the work done.

97 percent of people perform worse when they multitask, which really means task switching for example, do 3 minutes of email, work on this document for 5 minutes, check Facebook for a few minutes, oh, a new email, and so on, says Tim Metz, co-founder of Saent.

They make more mistakes, things take longer and youll generally feel more exhausted and unfulfilled going through your day like this.

With Pomodoro Technique, instead of doing four different things simultaneously for 100 minutes, a user works single-mindedly on each of them for 25-minute blocks. A method that Saent is hoped to assist.

Not only serving as a blocking program, Saent will also assist in improving productivity by providing users with graded reports about their productivity, challenges to strive for, and peer-pairing review to see who among their Saent-using friends are the most productive.

While looking similar to other distraction-reducing software, Saent is set apart from other with the addition of a physical device.

The software works great on its own, and many people have challenged us on the need for the device, says co-founder Russell Haines. But its that physical part that is really the mental trigger, a totem that the user can use to make a physical [and] real commitment to focus.

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The button has also been key in differentiating Saent from any number of similar apps, Chrome extensions, and services. The company ran a successful Indiegogo campaign last fall, raising more than US$60,000.

Saent is currently only available for Mac and PC, but the developers are aiming to have an Android/iOS version in the future.

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