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13 Februari 2024 08:44

Mas Pur 'TOP' revealed the cause of the divorce with Dwinda Ratna, saying it was triggered by a problem

Furry Setya alias Mas Pur 'TOP' revealed that the trigger for the breakdown in his household was a valuable lesson. Ferra Listianti
Mas Pur 'TOP' revealed the cause of the divorce with Dwinda Ratna, saying it was triggered by a problem

Brilio.net - During this time it was calm and far from gossip, the public was shocked by the news that Furry Setya's marriage with Dwinda Ratna ended in divorce. This news was first revealed by Furry Setya via his personal Instagram account.

In his post, Furry revealed that his marriage to Dwinda Ratna , which had been going on for five years, had to end in separation. The divorce process between the two has also been decided by the Depok City Religious Court, West Java.

Unfortunately, Furry Setya is reluctant to talk much about his divorce from Dwinda. The actor who plays Mas Pur in Pengkolan Ojek Driver only revealed that the separation from his wife was carried out amicably based on a mutual decision.

photo: Instagram/@furrysetya

"Separating is an agreement between the two of us and we have both made peace with this situation. I'm really sorry I can't say much," said Furry Setya, reported by brilio.net from merdeka6.com, Tuesday (13/2).

It is not without reason that the two decided to separate. Furry admitted that the divorce from Dwinda was triggered by a problem. Incompatibility and differences in views in dealing with problems are said to be the cause of their divorce.

"If you ask why, there is a mismatch or there are different views in dealing with problems," he said.

However, this father of one child did not explain in detail the problems revealed. According to him, there is no need to share all of this with the public, it just needs to be a story between him and Dwinda.

photo: Instagram/@furrysetya

"Yes, separation will definitely have problems. That's just so that Winda and I know and so that it can be a valuable life lesson for me and Winda, and whatever happens to Winda, we'll be fine," added the actor, Mas Pur.

However, he did not deny that his separation from the woman known as Winda left scars. However, he and Winda tried to make peace with the situation. He also did not demand anything in the process of separating from the woman who made him fall in love at first sight.

"There are no demands whatsoever. I apologize. No matter how good the conditions are, separation will definitely leave sadness. But our condition is good, we are at peace with this," said Furry Setya.

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