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18 Juli 2024 17:45

Maintain a healthy body, these 5 foods should be avoided during the transition season

Air humidity during the transition season has a significant influence on the body's immune system. Niko Sulpriyono
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Brilio.net - Maintaining health during the transition season is mandatory because the body is more at risk of infection and disease. The transition season is characterized by unpredictable weather conditions and usually occurs before the change of seasons, such as the dry season to the rainy season.

Air humidity during the transition season has a significant influence on the body's immune system and the development of bacteria that have the potential to carry disease.

Quoting from antarnews.com, according to the Head of the Microbiology Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Unmul Kaltim, Dr. Yadi explained that changing seasons, such as from hot to rainy or vice versa, can have an impact on a person's body condition.

Apart from that, according to Dr. Yadi must maintain immunity and body resistance. You can also eat nutritious food and take vitamins.

Apart from maintaining health protocols, we also have to maintain immunity or body resistance. For example, consume nutritious food and if necessary take vitamins, and continue to do enough exercise every day. "That way, a healthy body condition is able to fight viruses that will enter the body," he said.

Not only that, you also have to avoid foods that are usually consumed. Certain foods can worsen allergy symptoms, digestive disorders, or even trigger certain diseases during the transition period.

From the explanation above, it can be seen that the transition season can affect the body's immunity and resistance, making it susceptible to disease. To prevent this, you can avoid food during the transition season. Therefore, brilio.net has summarized from various sources, Wednesday (17/7) foods that should be avoided during the transition season.

These 5 foods should be avoided during the transition season

In the transition season, some foods should be avoided to maintain health. For this reason, there are several foods that should be avoided during the transition season:

1. Fast food

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Fast food should be avoided during the transition season. Not without reason, fast food contains a lot of saturated fat, salt and chemical additives. Consuming these foods can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of infection. It's best to avoid fast food and choose fresh and natural foods.

Fast food tends to be low in fiber, which is important for maintaining digestive health. Consuming enough fiber helps regulate the digestive system and prevent problems such as constipation which may occur more frequently when the seasons change.

2. High fat foods

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High-fat foods should be avoided during the transition season. High-fat foods such as oily foods, fried fast foods and high-fat meats can cause weight gain and make it difficult for the body's digestive system.

Apart from that, high-fat foods can also increase the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, especially if consumed in excess and without balance with other nutrients.

3. Foods that contain artificial flavors

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Foods containing artificial sweeteners should be avoided during the transition season. Additional ingredients such as artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, preservatives and flavor enhancers are often used in processed foods to improve the taste, color and durability of the product. However, these substances can affect the digestive system and body balance when the body is adapting to changes in weather and environment.

4. Raw foods and unpasteurized milk

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You should avoid raw foods and unpasteurized milk during the transition season. Raw foods such as raw meat, raw eggs, and raw fish can contain bacteria, viruses, or parasites that can cause food poisoning or digestive tract infections. During seasons of change, when the immune system tends to be more vulnerable due to changes in weather and environment, this risk may increase.

5. Bacterial foods

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You should avoid food that is left at room temperature for too long, especially during hot weather. This can cause the growth of unwanted bacteria and increase the risk of food poisoning. Food that is not stored or processed properly can harbor bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli, or Listeria, which can cause food poisoning or serious gastrointestinal infections.

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