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31 Januari 2017 18:22

Kominfo Calls For Hackers To Prepare For Cyber War

Stop hacking your friend's Facebook account and put your talent to work. Tunggul Kumoro
Kominfo Calls For Hackers To Prepare For Cyber War © Kominfo.go.id

When it comes to information technology, the quality of human resource is essential because machines cannot work well unless humans work well at least until artificial intelligence peaks and create a civilization on its own.

Sci-fi conspiracy aside, the government is trying to gather the nations best talents in technology sector. They want to form a cyber army in case theres a cyber war in the future.

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The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) and a tech security company named Xynexis are holding a competition called Born to CTRL to recruit cyber security technicians and form a talent pool.

The winners will be trained in a camp and given chance to meet people in the cyber security industry. In the future, the ministry hopes those winners can assist them and the industry in maintaining information security in Indonesia. On the other hand, the winners will get prizes and access to work in the industry.

Are you interested but concerned about your chance of winning?

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Fret not, the competition takes 100 winner for the camp, and even the other 900 best participants will be given a certificate of acknowledgement.

There will be a roadshow for Born to CTRL in 10 cities: Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Malang, Bali, Makassar, Manado, Samarinda, Medan and Palembang.

You can get the details on the ministrys websiteor the competitions website.

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