- Palari Films presents their ninth film titled Monster Pabrik Rambut, a new fantasy horror work from director Edwin. The film, which tells a mysterious story in a hair factory, features a line-up of famous stars such as Rachel Amanda, Lutesha, and Iqbaal Ramadhan. Not to be missed, musician Sal Priadi and content creator Kev Luqman also enliven the cast.
In this production, Iqbaal Ramadhan not only acts as an actor but also serves as executive producer with Dian Sastrowardoyo. Meiske Taurisia and Muhammad Zaidy from Palari Films produce it with co-producers Atsuko Ohno (Hassaku Lab, Japan), and Anthony Chen (Giraffe Pictures, Singapore). The film, also known internationally as "Sleep No More", is a co-production of three countries, Indonesia, Japan, and Singapore.
The film tells the story of Putri (Rachel Amanda) who is forced to work in a factory to pay off her mother's debts who allegedly committed suicide. Meanwhile, Ida (Lutesha), her younger sister, believes that their mother's death is related to supernatural things in the factory. When the two start working in the factory, they experience various strange events that also befall other workers.
This film script is the result of the second collaboration between novelists Eka Kurniawan and Edwin, after the success of "Like Revenge, Longing Must Be Paid in Full" which won the Golden Leopard at Locarno 2021.
"From the beginning I wanted to create a world full of terror. A gripping terror that comes from monsters. Therefore, 'Hair Factory Monster' is closer to fantasy horror. The monster can enter the workers' bodies, which causes strange and dangerous events in the factory," said the director of Hair Factory Monster, Edwin, quoted by from the press release, Tuesday (11/19).
photo: Jozz Felix
The film received financial support from various Asian and European countries, including the Japanese Government through the Agency of Cultural Affairs, Singapore through the Southeast-Asia Co-Production Grant IMDA, and Switzerland through Vision sud Est. Meiske Taurisia welcomed the Match Fund program from the Ministry of Culture that supports the international distribution of Indonesian films.
Iqbaal Ramadhan believes that this film will provide a new color in Indonesian cinema by combining the popular horror genre and fantasy elements. Interestingly, this film uses a shooting location at PFN (Proproduksi Film Negara), which according to PFN's President Director, Dwi Heriyanto B., is a form of concrete support for the national film industry.
"Hair Factory Monster" is scheduled to air in 2025. The latest information about this film can be followed through the Instagram account @palarifilms.