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23 September 2024 18:30

Joining in on the Lolly case, Doddy Sudrajat mentioned the late Vanessa Angel who once ran away for a guy

Doddy advises Lolly to learn from Vanessa's past Syeny Wulandari
Joining in on the Lolly case, Doddy Sudrajat mentioned the late Vanessa Angel who once ran away for a guy

Brilio.net - The case of the feud between Lolly and her mother Nikita Mirzani is still in the public spotlight. This dispute became even more heated when Nikita reported Lolly's boyfriend, Vadel Badjideh, to the police for his alleged involvement in an abortion.

This conflict has attracted the attention of various parties. After Mayang gave a sharp message, now it is Doddy Sudrajat's turn to touch on the problem.

Through his Instagram account, @dodysoedrajat_1, the father of the late Vanessa Angel shared his personal experience regarding his daughter who once ran away from home for a boy. Doddy gave advice to Lolly to learn from Vanessa's past story, which he said had an accident because she did not obey her parents' advice.

"Daddy wants to give advice to Lolly. Lolly, Daddy's daughter also ran away from home because Daddy forbade her from dating men who, according to Daddy at that time, were not good and drug users. But Daddy's daughter didn't want to listen to the advice, so she ran away and left home," said Doddy Sudrajat.

photo: Instagram/@dodysoedrajat_1

Doddy continued that Vanessa Angel's life was full of obstacles after leaving home. According to him, Vanessa went through many trials and tribulations before finally passing away in a tragic accident in November 2021.

"Since leaving home, his life has been full of twists and turns, steep and thorny. Until finally he left forever," he continued.

Through this story, Doddy hopes that Lolly can understand the importance of respecting parents, especially her mother, Nikita Mirzani. However, Doddy emphasized that Nikita is Lolly's biological mother who must be respected despite differences of opinion.

"Daddy's message to Lolly is don't fight your parents. Nikmir is your mother, the mother who gave birth to you. There is no perfect mother, no matter how bad Nikmir is, she is your biological mother," he said firmly.

photo: Instagram/@nikitamirzanimawardi_172,

Through this statement, Doddy also revealed that he and Nikita Mirzani have similar struggles in raising their children amidst all the problems. Both Vanessa and Lolly, according to Doddy, have been involved in romantic relationships that caused conflict with their parents.

Doddy hopes that with a similar experience that he had, Lolly can learn a lesson and avoid the same mistakes as Vanessa. He also asked Lolly to apologize to her mother immediately so that her life will be better in the future.

"Immediately apologize and make peace with your mother so that your life path is straight and you are given a long life. Hopefully Daddy's child can be a valuable lesson for Lolly," he said again.

Doddy's upload immediately became a topic of debate among netizens. Many felt that the comparison was inappropriate, considering that Vanessa was no longer around and Lolly's situation was very different. In fact, some regretted that Doddy kept discussing Vanessa's past.

" Wekekekekek.... Cie cie... I'm joining in ," commented @ellyef_27

" Still discussing the shame of his own deceased child ," wrote @eka.bdil

" There's no need to mix things up, different is different, nothing is nothing ," said @noviyannah

" I don't like Nikmir's style, but if Dodod compares himself to Nikmir, well, it's soooooo goooood... Nikmir is still struggling to provide for her child properly, but if you're Doodddd, your child is the one who is told to struggle and work hard to provide for you properly ," replied @nuraini.yunita.

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