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3 Mei 2024 07:25

Joining a girlband before marrying Ruben Onsu, take a peek at 11 portraits of Sarwendah's early career

Starting her career as a girl group member and becoming the wife of a famous presenter, Sarwendah continues to receive public attention. Sri Jumiyarti Risno
Joining a girlband before marrying Ruben Onsu, take a peek at 11 portraits of Sarwendah's early career foto: Instagram/@sarwendah29

Brilio.net - Sarwendah Tan is currently a hot topic of conversation among the public. Some time ago, Sarwendah said that he had received medical treatment. It is known that this 34 year old woman suffered from cysts and sinuses which required surgery.

Now that his condition has improved, Sarwendah has again attracted attention to the issues circulating regarding his domestic life. Initially, netizens were suspicious when Ruben Onsu was not present at the hospital when his wife was being treated. Meanwhile, Jordi Onsu, who is known to be feuding with his older brother, Ruben Onsu , was seen visiting Sarwendah.

This is what makes the public think that there is something behind this celebrity's household life. Sarwendah himself admitted that for the last two months he had not lived in the same house as Ruben Onsu. He chose to stay at his sister Wendy's house. However, Sarwendah did not provide exact information.

Now being highlighted, Sarwendah's past life has also aroused public curiosity. As is known, Sarwendah used to be part of an Indonesian girl group, namely Cherrybelle. It is known that before marrying Ruben Onsu, Sarwendah started her career in the entertainment industry by participating in the Cherrybelle member selection in 2010. Then in 2011, she succeeded in becoming a member of the girl group.

After that, in 2013 Sarwendah married Ruben Onsu and was blessed with two children, namely Thalia Putri Onsu and Thania Putri Onsu. Apart from that, they also raised a boy named Betrand Peto Putra. So what is a portrait of Sarwendah's early career like?

The following are 11 portraits of Sarwendah Tan at the start of his career, reported by brilio.net from various sources, Thursday (2/5).

1. When taking part in the selection to enter the girl group Cherrybelle, Sarwendah had to beat 400 participants and become the 9th member. This is the portrait with Cherrybelle.

portrait of Sarwendah's early career
When again

2. Two years after joining the girl group Cherrybelle, Sarwendah was forced to retire by the producer because she was growing up.

portrait of Sarwendah's early career

3. After that, the artist who was born on August 29 1989 formed a duo group called WenDev, namely Devi Noviaty and Sarwendah. But unfortunately it didn't last long and Wenda decided to pursue a solo career.

portrait of Sarwendah's early career

4. After that, he released various single titles such as You're Not Everything, Only You, Broken in Two, You are the Fruit of My Heart, My Pain and so on.

portrait of Sarwendah's early career

5. Apart from that, Sarwendah is also trying her luck in the world of acting. He has acted in several films such as Love is U, Nightmare Side, Kembang Kantil, and Bus Om Bebek.

portrait of Sarwendah's early career

6. Sarwendah also played in a number of FTV and soap operas. Her appearance from the beginning was truly charming.

portrait of Sarwendah's early career

7. Sarwendah also has a great interest in the business world. He also opened various businesses.

portrait of Sarwendah's early career

8. The businesses she runs are quite diverse, ranging from fashion, beauty, to F&B businesses such as Sarwendah Recipes and Thabenia Cake and others.

portrait of Sarwendah's early career
When again

9. Throughout his career in the entertainment world, Sarwendah has won several nominations such as the 2018, 2020 and 2021 Mom And Kids Awards.

portrait of Sarwendah's early career
When again

10. This is how Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah looked at the start of their marriage.

portrait of Sarwendah's early career
When again

11. Judging from his appearance, Sarwendah has not seen any major changes. From the past until now he always looks charming.

portrait of Sarwendah's early career

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