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4 November 2016 17:55

Balinese Rock Star's Response To Hardliners' Rally Goes Viral

He made some good points. Ahada Ramadhana
Balinese Rock Star's Response To Hardliners' Rally Goes Viral

Brilio.net/en - I Gede Ari Astina known as Jerinx of SID (Superman Is Dead) is a Balinese musician who is also known for his activism and social criticism, especially those related to the Benoa Bay Reclamation project.

As thousands of hardliners rallied along major streets of Jakarta on Friday in a protest against Jakarta Governor Basuji Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), Jerinx himself had a word or two to say on the matter, and his views were shared by many in the hours leading up to the protests.

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"I'm not pro-Ahok/JKW (Jokowi). Tomorrow's demonstration is a project by a new order elite looking to reclaim power. The FPI is their creation. It is not about religion, it's just politics, and this will only end if we dismiss the new order elite.

"They have indoctrinated the nation for over 30 years, it is no wonder their ideology lives on today. The worst part is, we often don't even realize we are a part of them.HabibRizieq [Islamic Defenders Front leader] has evidently spread hate speech, insulted Pancasila, Sukarno, and other races. Why doesn't he get arrested? It's definitely because no 'boss' would catch his own 'subordinate' who is protecting his 'house'.So the point is: f**k Soeharto, f**k CIA, f**k Rothschild.Long live Indonesia!"

The post drew thousands of comments from netizens, some of them in support of his views, others opposing him.

"Principally, the FPI is established by the CIA through the hand of new order is true, parameter and indicator of FPI as an uneducated radical movement is also clear, I'm also a Muslim, but I'm not a believer yet... there is a systematic movement of foreign intelligence in every line that the goal is to destroy Indonesia, one of which is FPI," said the Sudaryono NM.

On another occasion, Jerinx again revealed his opinion. He wrote:

"What am I going to do when my religion is disrespected? I will keep silent. Why? Because I believe in God.Remember, when Bali was bombed twice by the people on behalf of religion, saying that Bali is a 'dirty and worth demolished' place.But what happened after the bombs? No demonstration or an anti-religion rallies. What happened was people helped each other to recover Bali."

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