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12 Juli 2024 17:45

It's been 10 years since Ayu Ting Ting still hasn't been allowed to meet her children, Enji said someone is blocking it

Enji has done various things to meet his daughter. Ferra Listianti
Instagram/@ayutingting92; @henry_baskoro_hendarso

Brilio.net - Ayu Ting Ting's relationship with her ex-husband, Henry Baskoro or familiarly known as Enji, is still not improving. Even though 10 years have passed since the two decided to separate, Enji still has not had access to meet his daughter, Bilqis Khumaira Razak.

According to Enji's attorney, Denny Karel, his client could not meet the princess because someone was obstructing their meeting. However, he did not explain in detail the person who prevented Enji from meeting his daughter.

photo: Instagram/@henry_baskoro_hendarso

"Yes, it's still normal, there hasn't been a good meeting point. Communication has been broken for a long time, because there are parties who don't want Enji to meet his child, Bilqis ," said Denny Karel, Enji's attorney, as reported by brilio.net from dream .co.id, Friday (12/7).

In fact, according to Denny Karel, the dancer, Ayu Ting Ting, also did not give the slightest opportunity for her ex-husband to meet Bilqis. Not only that, it is known that Ayu did not provide any communication access between Enji and Bilqis at all.

"If there is a gap, Mas Enji will be happy, but on her part, Mbak Ayu doesn't want to open the door. Just a little gap, Mas Enji will," he said.

However, that doesn't mean that Enji didn't try to meet Bilqis. The attorney said that his client had taken various methods and efforts to be able to meet his daughter.

photo: Instagram/@ayutingting92

"Yes, I've always wanted to be close. I've called here and there, but I haven't. Yes, Mas Enji, just give up, just wait for Allah when we can meet you, Allah will already have a way there," he added.

It cannot be denied that Enji is worried about Ayu Ting Ting remarrying. He is afraid that Bilqis loves new partner Ayu Ting Ting more than her own biological father. As attorney, Denny Karel prays that Enji will meet Bilqis quickly in the near future.

"Yes, as people say, a girl's first love is her father. The problem is that they are not compatible now and that's none of Mas Enji's business either. Yes, we wish Mbak Ayu the best in the future," explained Denny Karel.

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