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2 Juni 2024 13:00

Irma Purba's inner struggle when she was about to decide to divorce from Boris Bokir, she refused to separate

Ima Purba's dream of getting married once in a lifetime collapsed when her husband asked for a divorce Syeny Wulandari
Irma Purba's inner struggle when she was about to decide to divorce from Boris Bokir, she refused to separate

Brilio.net - Exactly in July 2023, Boris Bokir announced his divorce from Irma Purba. The actor and comedian divorced after 6 years of marriage. But who would have thought, it wouldn't take long for Boris Bokir to move on.

A year after the divorce, the film star Agak Laen has started a new relationship. The woman who is now Boris' girlfriend is known as Jessica Juliantiano.

The relationship was revealed after Jessica uploaded a moment together while celebrating Boris Bokir's birthday on May 25. Jessica uploaded a photo with Boris Bokir complete with the birthday cake he gave to his lover.

The news that Boris now has a soul mate seemed to open old wounds felt by his ex-wife, Irma Purba . When appearing as a guest star on Melaney Ricardo's podcast, the mother of one child expressed her sadness because she admitted that she had been stressed while living in a household with Boris Bokir.

photo: YouTube/Melaney Ricardo

But fortunately, Irma was able to get through her difficult times because she remembered God when she almost gave up. At that time, Irma was under pressure after giving birth to her baby with Boris. As is known, after having children, Irma stopped pursuing a career in aviation and chose to become a full-time housewife.

Taking care of children without the help of a baby sitter or family apparently made Boris Bokir's ex-wife experience baby blues. Baby blues syndrome is a mood disorder or psychological disorder that can be experienced by a mother after giving birth.

"The baby blues started when the child was on MPASI. The child didn't want to eat and we took care of it ourselves, the house was a mess," said Irma Purba on Melaney Ricardo's YouTube, Sunday (2/6).

photo: Instagram/@irmapurbas

It didn't stop there, Irma's sadness increased when Boris wanted to separate from her. The former flight attendant revealed that Boris first asked for a divorce in February 2022.

At that time, Irma Purba did not immediately agree to Boris Bokir's request to separate. However, the ex-husband continued to ask for divorce three times in one year.

"When he said, 'I think we'll just separate', that was early 2022, February. That's three times," said Irma Purba.

Irma admitted that she never wanted divorce to occur in her household. Reflecting on her parents' lives in disharmony, she dreams of a harmonious and lasting marriage to Boris until the end of her life.

"My mother and father are not harmonious, so I want to have a harmonious marriage, but (it turns out) I don't want to be separated," he explained.

photo: YouTube/Melaney Ricardo

This 30 year old woman had desperately maintained her marriage to Boris Bokir for a year. However, in the end Irma agreed because she believed that Boris was no longer happy being married to her.

"After a grace period of about a year, I finally said yes, but not because I wanted to, but this person wasn't as happy as I was," he explained.

However, when it was said that she still loved Boris Bokir, Irma avoided it. Irma prefers that her feelings for Boris are called 'love'.

This is not about love, but in my opinion, I already love this person too much. "Okay, who do you want to be happy with," he continued.

Now, Irma Purba and Boris Bokir continue to live their lives happily. However, the two of them still maintain good communication for the sake of their beloved child.

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