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9 Juli 2016 15:15

Indonesia’s first sleeper bus is now operating from Jakarta

You can now sleep and relax on the road trip across Java Victoria Tunggono
Indonesia’s first sleeper bus is now operating from Jakarta

Brilio.net/en - The transportation business has endless possibilities to be explored. Besides the SleepBus that transport sleeping people from LA to SF that began operating in April 2016 in the United States, Indonesia has also started its own sleeper bus that had just released on July 2, 2016. It seems like they wanted to provide the mass migration that was building up on Lebaran (Eid Al-Fitr) as people were going home to celebrate with their family.

Sleeper Bus, the name of Indonesias first cross-province sleeping-on-the-road transportation service, is operating only from Jakarta to Purwokerto to Purbalingga for now. The first route they open is from Pondok Labu (Jakarta) - Slawi - Purwokerto - Wonosobo.

Sleep Bus lets people travels from SF to LA in comfortable beds

The premium class air-conditioned bus is filled with 20 bunk beds that are lined with dark curtains for privacy. The 1 x 2 meter spring beds lined on both sides of the bus body produced by AdiPutro and powered by an Hino RK8 (CMIIW) engine.

The facilities provided inside this black, white and pink bus are more than enough for a 7-hour ride, including comfort beddings and fresh blanket, hotel slippers, locker for shoes, and personal entertainment in form of LED TV. They also stop for lunch at a restaurant and offer free mineral water as well on a dispenser, complete with self-service coffee and tea station. For those who travel to and from Purwokerto, a free shuttle service is provided at the Bulupitu Bus Terminal. Free shuttle is also provided in Jakarta at Lebak Bulus Bus Terminal.

The departure schedules from Purbalingga are at 7:00 and 8:00 in the morning and at 7:00 and 08:00 at night. From Jakarta, the schedules are at 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. and at 7:30 and 8:30 p.m.

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The Purwokerto based bus company PO Brilian charges a single ride between IDR 200,000 to IDR 375,000 per person, which is above the prices of other buses with the same track that is around IDR 160,000 per person. But its a fair price to pay for the comfort of the facilities.

Tickets and more information about Sleeper Bus can be found in Jakarta at Bekasi, Pasar Rebo, PAL, Pondok Labu, Pasar Jumat, and Mampang, or at Ruko Komplek Terminal Bulupitu on Jl. Suwatio, Purwokerto. Or simply call +62 822 2176 6766 for booking. They also accept online booking from agents or their Facebook page.

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