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6 Juni 2016 10:44

Indonesia creates a new building material from the least likely source

You won’t believe that our food can be the materials that build homes! Victoria Tunggono
Indonesia creates a new building material from the least likely source © mycote.ch

Brilio.net/en - As our world continues to develop, theres not much we can do besides adapting. Everyday people are mining the Earth to unearth composite building materials that eventually destroy the environment. Someday soon, the resources will be completely depleted and well be left with nothing. Bearing that event in mind, Indonesian company PT Miko Bahtera Nusantara created a bio-based building material named Mycotech.

Inspired by the Indonesian traditional food tempeh, the young Indonesian scientists turned entrepreneurs are using the similar natural technology of mycelia mushroom to strongly bind the agricultural waste. This means they erase the use of toxic chemicals and instead reuse and reduce waste through a superior design. It also means a change for the linear consumption of building materials to circular. The impact will be felt from other sectors as well, such as: economy, environment and socio-culture, bio-engineer and architectural.

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Image via mycotech.ch

In the agriculture sector, this means reducing the burning of waste that pollutes the environment and an increase in the income of farmers by recycling the residual waste materials. Each year Indonesia produces over 120 million tons of agricultural waste, which means theres plenty of it and doesnt requiring any environmentally damaging mining for the supply.

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It also prevents agriculture fields from turning into factories or other industries. The use of mycelia mushroom as an adhesive makes this product even more environmental friendly, yet surprisingly much more durable than the clay brick that is commonly used. Tests have been done to the Mycotech bricks that prove that it is fireproof and buoyant.

Image via mycotech.ch

It takes only weeks for the Mycelium to bind with the waste. Composition with various components with the fungus creates different characteristics and functions. The unique texture creates a natural finished look and is also promising for furniture. The invention awarded them first runner up in the Shell-Livewires Top 10 Innovation Award this year and they are already taking orders.

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