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20 Juni 2024 20:45

Her house covers an area of 1,600 square meters and has a prayer room in front. Christine Hakim has a special philosophy

Christine Hakim has a special reason for placing the prayer room at the front of her house. What do you think? Ferra Listianti

Brilio.net - There is no doubt about Christine Hakim's achievements in the world of entertainment. This talented senior actress has won many awards in her career, one of which is the Citra Cup as Best Female Lead for her debut in the film Cinta Pertama in 1974.

This made Christine's name even more famous in the world of acting. This success not only made his name widely known, but also enabled him to make his wishes come true. Apart from having luxury goods, Christine has also succeeded in building her dream home.

Not many people know that the actor in the film Siksa Kubur has a magnificent residence with an area of 1,600 square meters. Irfan Hakim and Mpok Alpa who visited his residence were amazed. Apart from being cool, the residence of this 1956-born actress is also unique, carrying the concept of combining various cultural elements.

photo: Instagram/@Aish TV

"Actually, this isn't just Bali, it's a mixture of mother and husband's contemplation. There will be concepts like Japan too, Java, Bali, right?" said Christine Hakim, quoted by brilio.net from the TRANS7 OFFICIAL YouTube channel, Thursday (20/ 6).

It is known that Christine Hakim bought land with an area of 1,600 square meters at that location for only Rp. 30 million in 1998. Now, on this land stands a magnificent building. At the front, you are immediately presented with the mosque door with the word Allah written on it.

photo: YouTube/TRANS7 OFFICIAL

"Well, mother, I am very grateful that this is the door to a mosque in Madura," he added.

The door apparently led to the prayer room. Yes, different from houses in general, Christine Hakim designed her residence with a prayer room at the front. Apparently, he had a special reason for placing the prayer room at the front of his house.

"This is a prayer room. It was deliberately placed at the front too. Because what's the point, it's easier for anyone who wants to pray if it's in the front. And actually the point is for one lady, if the prayer room at the back is so small, right, in the end we forget there's a prayer room. "That's why we are reminded at the front. As soon as we enter, we are always reminded that we have to worship," said Christine Hakim.

All of this was designed by him himself without the help of an architect. Meanwhile, the building was built by his mother, who previously worked as a contractor. That way, he can request a residential design according to his wishes. Now, his mother, who is 89 years old, lives in the house with Christine Hakim.

"Incidentally, the contractor was my mother, my grandmother. My grandmother used to be a toll road contractor when she was young. Yes, she understands the structure of all buildings," he said.

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