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6 Juni 2024 19:10

Her face looks healthy and anti-acne, Rachel Goddard shares a facial mask recipe using 1 food ingredient

With just IDR 20 thousand you can make it glow with two natural ingredients which are known for their good benefits for the skin. Devi Aristyaputri

Brilio.net - Getting glowing and acne-free facial skin doesn't always mean using expensive treatments. You can get beautiful skin like a celebrity with just IDR 20 thousand. This treatment is like that done by the famous celebrity Rachel Goddard.

Through uploads on his YouTube channel, this celebrity who is involved in the world of beauty shares facial treatments, using natural ingredients, namely honey and oatmeal. Both materials are priced quite cheaply. One pack of oatmeal costs around Rp. 12 thousand and honey costs only Rp. 8,000. This combination of oatmeal and honey mask is not only good for the face, but also hair.

"It's good for facial skin, even hair. Because this oatmeal can moisturize and clean," he said, quoted by briliobeauty.net from Rachel Goddard's YouTube, Thursday (6/6).

It didn't take long, Rachel Goddard immediately showed how to make an oatmeal and honey mask . So, are you curious about how? Let's look at the steps below:

photo: YouTube/@rachelgoddard

1. Prepare a clean container.
2. Put 2 tablespoons of oatmeal into the bowl.
3. Then puree the oatmeal using a blender or kneading.
4. Put it in a new container again.
5. Add one tablespoon of honey.
6. Pour in a little water so that it is not too thick.
7. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.
8. Apply evenly to cleansed face.
9. Wait for 15 minutes.
10. Rinse with normal water, without using face wash.
11. Dry your face using a towel.

After using a mask made from oatmeal and honey, Rachel Goddard felt that her face looked brighter than before. He only felt the benefits of this oatmeal and honey mask after using it for three consecutive days.

"The effect is that my face is more glowing, but it's a bit complicated if you have to blend it first," said Rachel Goddard.

Benefits of oatmeal and honey for the face.

Oatmeal and honey are natural ingredients which are both commonly used as food mixtures. Beyond its basic function, oatmeal and honey actually have benefits for skin beauty.

Discussing oatmeal, food ingredients derived from this flour contain vitamins, antioxidants and essential fatty acids. All of these ingredients are believed to be able to clean, soothe, or treat acne-prone faces. Meanwhile, its anti-inflammatory properties can soothe irritated skin.

Meanwhile, honey is a natural humectant that can draw moisture into the skin. Honey has antimicrobials that can kill bacteria on the skin. The effect can cure skin problems, such as acne, clean pores and dirt .

Launching from brydie.com, Thursday (6/6) honey is also used as a natural exfoliant which cleans the skin well. It's no surprise that honey can make your skin clean and look bright. Then honey contains hydrogen peroxide which helps remove hyperpigmentation.

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