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16 Juni 2024 10:00

Having the potential to lower IQ, these 7 foods can actually weaken a child's brain intelligence

The food consumed by children should not be careless. Niko Sulpriyono
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Brilio.net - A child's growth period is the main thing to look after and monitor. Education, teaching and care at home are the keys to a child's success in the environment and in the future. Apart from that, food and nutritional intake are very important for children because they affect their brain's intelligence abilities.

Quoting from the journal Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, food can affect children's performance and intelligence. They studied 190 students consisting of 111 girls and 79 boys aged 8-10 years. The results of the study stated that children with better eating habits were associated with higher IQs.

However, there are several foods that can reduce brain intelligence. This often goes unnoticed by parents so it can reduce brain intelligence. Reporting from kemkes.go.id, as many as 44.7 percent of infant deaths were caused by low birth weight (LBW), failure to provide breast milk, stunting (short), thin toddlers, and deficiencies in vitamin A and the mineral zinc.

Therefore, the food consumed by children should not be careless. Parents also need to know what foods should be avoided during their child's growth period. So, if you want to know what foods reduce children's intelligence, here is brilio.net's summary from various sources, Saturday (15/6).

7 Foods that weaken children's brain intelligence

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Although food can be an important source of energy and nutrients for children's growth and development, not all foods provide the same benefits for their brain health. On the other hand, some types of food, if consumed excessively, can have a negative impact on a child's brain intelligence.

From processed sugar to saturated fat, various substances in food can significantly affect a child's brain function and cognition. Therefore, understanding foods that have the potential to weaken children's brain intelligence is important for parents in maintaining children's optimal health and development. Reporting from chicagointernalcleansing.com, here are 8 foods that weaken brain intelligence.

1. Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners can reduce children's intelligence. Even though artificial sweeteners contain fewer calories, long-term use of artificial sweeteners can cause brain damage and reduce cognitive capacity, especially if consumed in large quantities.

2. Food contains sugar

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Foods that contain sugar not only have an impact on body health, but also have an impact on brain health. Often consume foods that are high in sugar such as donuts, ice cream and other sweet foods. Foods that contain high levels of sugar in the long term can cause various neurological problems and interfere with memory. Sugar can affect your ability to learn.

3. Junk food (fast food)

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Recent research conducted by the University of Montreal found that junk food can change chemical enzymes in the brain that can cause symptoms of depression and anxiety. These foods influence the production of dopamine an important hormone that increases happiness and an overall feeling of well-being. Dopamine also maintains cognitive function, learning capacity, alertness, motivation and memory. Therefore, it is important to avoid all foods with excessive fat such as fried fast food.

4. Fried foods

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Fried foods can also affect and reduce brain intelligence. Fried foods can affect cognitive function caused by hyperactive hormones. Fried food can damage nerve cells located in the brain. Therefore, consuming fried food in children is not recommended because it really affects their growth and development.

5. Very salty food

Salty foods can affect cognitive function and disrupt the thinking process. Very salty foods can also affect brain intelligence. Even more surprising, consuming salty foods and nicotine has been shown to have the same effect as drugs because it causes severe withdrawal symptoms and a desire to eat salty foods.

6. Processed proteins

Protein functions to build muscle and is important for body function. However, processed foods can cause a decrease in brain intelligence in children. So consuming processed protein such as sausages, canned food, etc. should be reduced and avoided for children. In contrast to natural proteins that help the body isolate the nervous system, processed proteins do the opposite.

7. Trans fats

Trans fats can cause brain damage. Trans fat foods such as French fries can inhibit children's growth and development and intelligence. If eaten too long, it can cause a kind of cerebrovascular contraction, which is similar to the shrinkage caused by Alzheimer's disease. This brain shrinkage occurs because trans fats slowly damage the arteries.

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