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28 Maret 2024 14:23

Harvey Moeis is caught in a corruption case, Sandra Dewi's old confession of being afraid of being reprimanded by God is in the spotlight

Four years ago, via Melaney Ricardo's YouTube channel, Sandra Dewi admitted that she was afraid of being reprimanded by God if her life deviated. Ferra Listianti
Harvey Moeis is caught in a corruption case, Sandra Dewi's old confession of being afraid of being reprimanded by God is in the spotlight

Brilio.net - Apart from 'crazy rich' Helena Lim, the Attorney General's Office (Kejagung) has again named a suspect in the corruption case in the trading system of tin commodities in the PT Timbah Tbk Mining Business License (IUP) area. Sandra Dewi's husband, Harvey Moeis, is the new suspect in this case. Harvey acted as an extension of the hand who contacted the Main Director of PT Timah, namely MRPT, from 2018 to 2019.

"The investigative team considers that there is sufficient evidence so that we have upgraded the person concerned to his status as a suspect, namely HM's brother as an extension of PT RBT," said the Director of Investigations at the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) at the AGO, Kuntadi at the AGO Building, South Jakarta, as reported. brilio.net from merdeka6.com, Thursday (28/3).

The news of Harvey Moeis being named a suspect immediately became popular on social media, one of which was platform X. Many then opened up old memories of Sandra Dewi regarding her statement on Melaney Ricardo's YouTube channel four years ago. In her statement, the mother of two said she did not want to show off her personal life.

Not without reason, Sandra Dewi admitted that she was afraid of being reprimanded by God if her life deviated. He is also very afraid that God will take away the wealth he currently has, because he is too proud to show it off to the public.

photo: YouTube/Melaney Ricardo

"Honestly, I'm most afraid of God because this is a loving Father. I'm afraid of being rebuked by God. Because if I become a bad person, I'm afraid that God will take it all away. Because God gives us everything because of God believe that you can handle what He gives you," he said, quoted from YouTube Melaney Ricardo.

Sandra Dewi's fear is none other than because she believes that all the blessings she currently has are God's gifts for her prayers. This makes him afraid of doing bad things. He was afraid that God would rebuke him directly and take everything he had.

photo: YouTube/Melaney Ricardo

"If God has given us this much and we act in various ways that are not good, I'm afraid that everything will be taken away. Because everything is given by God. We ask 'God for good fortune' to give it. If we continue to act, in an instant God will take it away. I'm most afraid of being reprimanded by the same person. God," added Sandra Dewi.

Including, the family he loves. Sandra Dewi said that if she was reprimanded by her family, she would ask God for forgiveness. The reason is, he really loves his family and doesn't want to separate them because he neglected to do bad things that are forbidden by God.

photo: YouTube/Melaney Ricardo

"God rebukes us from the family, we really love our children, husband, family. If we are reprimanded through these people, I will ask for forgiveness. I don't dare at all, because our hearts are in the family," concluded Sandra Dewi.

Meanwhile, regarding the case that befell her husband, until now Sandra Dewi has chosen to remain silent. Likewise, Harvey's mother, Irma Moeis, chose to lock her Instagram account.

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