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7 September 2024 10:50

Giving marriage advice to Prilly Latuconsina, Andre Taulany said there's no need to rush into marriage

Andre Taulany regretted his own words, realizing that his advice might cause a stir. Khansa Nabilah
Giving marriage advice to Prilly Latuconsina, Andre Taulany said there's no need to rush into marriage foto: Instagram/@andreastaulany

Brilio.net - Andre Taulany , a famous comedian and presenter, has recently been in the public spotlight because of the divorce petition he filed against his wife, Rien Wartia Trigina. The divorce suit was officially registered on April 4, 2024 at the Tigaraksa Religious Court, Tangerang, with case number 1668/pdtg/2024/patigaraksa.

Andre and Rien's 18-year marriage is now on the brink. The couple has undergone eight trials, starting from April 25, 2024 to the last trial on August 1, 2024. Although mediation efforts have been made, the two remain firm in their decision to separate.

Rumors of disharmony in Andre and Rien's household have been circulating for a long time. Frequent quarrels have been a tough test for the couple during their dozens of years of marriage.

In the midst of the ongoing divorce process, Andre seems unable to hide his sadness. This was seen when he shared marriage advice with Prilly Latuconsina on a television show.

" It seems like it's really hard for him to find a partner ," Andre told Prilly, on the show Bercanda tapi Santai, quoted by brilio.net on Saturday (7/9).

photo: Instagram/@andreastaulany

Their conversation touched on sensitive topics around marriage and finding a soulmate. Andre was seen sharing his experiences with Prilly, who is known to be single.

He advised Prilly not to rush into marriage. Because, it is better to postpone than not find the right person.

" I once told him, it's better to delay marriage but find the right person rather than rush it ," said the former vocalist of the band Stinky.

However, he later regretted his own words, realizing that his advice might cause a stir. His words were certainly related to his ongoing divorce process with his wife.

photo: Instagram/@andreastaulany

Andre's statement immediately invited reactions from the audience and crew present. They laughed, perhaps catching the irony of Andre's current situation.

" Wrong, really wrong. Why did I say that ," said Andre Taulany, who was greeted with laughter from the audience and crew.

Netizens also commented on Andre Taulany's statement. Not a few disagreed with his statement about the wrong partner. However, there were also those who caught the 49-year-old comedian's intention as just joking

" There is no such thing as a perfect partner, each person must try to fit in with their partner. If you are looking for the perfect one, you will never find it ," said @warungsasirangan.

" There is nothing wrong with getting married early, getting married late, not having children yet or whatever it is called. That is destiny that has been determined. And the point is that every human being must have problems. And problems will be solved if there is a wise solution ," said @aidadillaa.

" Ngakak.com... In fact, Andri was actually joking, not pouring out his heart ," said @mefuady1.

" Saaaarr, Mr. Hajiiii @andreastaulany ," said @safit334.

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