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26 Juli 2024 11:45

Get to know the blood thinning injections experienced by Eza Yayang's wife to pregnant women, here's the medical explanation

Under certain conditions, pregnant women must take blood thinner injections to prevent excessive blood clotting. Sri Jumiyarti Risno

Brilio.net - Not long ago comedian Eza Yayang gave the happy news as well as the sadness he felt. Happy because currently his wife, Ardya Paramita, is pregnant with their second child, who is now 7 months old. Through the FYP Trans7 event, Eza revealed that behind his happiness at having a second child, there was a feeling of not having the heart for his wife.

How come? During the pregnancy of her second child , Eza Yayang's wife had to be injected with a blood thinner every night. According to Eza, he couldn't bear to see his wife in pain while undergoing a blood thinning injection procedure.

Blood thinner injections for pregnant women are a medical procedure carried out to prevent excessive blood clotting. This procedure is generally recommended for pregnant women with a history of thrombosis or certain medical conditions that increase the risk of blood clots (thick blood).

The use of blood thinning drugs aims to reduce the risk of serious complications such as stroke and coronary heart disease during pregnancy. So what are blood thinner injections and why do pregnant women experience this? To understand it better, let's look at the complete review below, such as brilio.net adapted from various sources, Friday (26/7).

What is a blood thinner injection?

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Blood thinner injections are medicines used to thin or improve blood flow throughout the body. This drug can also prevent the formation of blood clots which trigger various dangerous diseases such as stroke and coronary heart disease.

Generally, blood thinning drugs are consumed by people who suffer from certain diseases, for example coronary heart disease, heart rhythm disorders, congenital heart defects and pulmonary embolism. In addition, people who have recently had heart valve replacement surgery are usually given blood thinning medications. Because there is a risk of developing blood clots after the surgical procedure.

There are several types of blood thinners that are generally used, namely antiplatelets and anticoagulants.

Antiplatelets are a group of blood thinners that function to prevent blood platelets or platelets from sticking together, so that blood clots do not form. The types of antiplatelet drugs include:

- Aspirin

- Clopidogrel

- Ticagrelor

- Ticlopidine

- Triflusal

- Eptifibatide

Meanwhile, anticoagulant drugs are a class of blood thinners that inhibit the action of blood clotting factors. The goal is to slow down the blood clotting process. There are several types of anticoagulant blood thinning drugs, including:

- Warfarin

- Heparin

- Enoxaparin

- Fondaparinux

- Rivaroxaban

- Dabigatran

- Apixaban

Why do pregnant women need blood thinner injections?

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Not all pregnant women need blood thinner injections. Injections of blood thinners for pregnant women are a medical procedure given to pregnant women with a high risk of blood clots.

This procedure involves administering anticoagulant medication by injection to prevent the formation of dangerous blood clots. The drug used is generally low molecular weight heparin (LMWH).

Blood thinner injections for pregnant women are an effort to protect pregnant women against the risk of bleeding, such as miscarriage or bleeding after giving birth. For this reason, when pregnant, a woman is 4-5 times more at risk of experiencing thick blood or hypercoagulation.

This thick blood condition can occur in 1 in 1000 pregnancies. Apart from that, there are several factors that can increase the risk of blood viscosity, for example:

- Have family members who suffer from thick blood

- More than 35 years old

- Pregnant with twins

- Having excess weight or obesity

- Lack of physical activity

- Smoking

- Suffering from certain diseases such as lupus and antiphospholipid syndrome.

- An enlarged uterus can put pressure on blood vessels in the abdominal area. As a result, there is a disruption in blood flow which worsens the condition of thick blood

Side effects of blood thinners.

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Blood thinning drugs, both injections and capsules, have their own side effects. The most common risk of side effects is bleeding. For example, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, blood in urine, bloody bowel movements, excessive bleeding during menstruation or when injured, and the risk of hemorrhagic stroke.

Apart from that, there are also other side effects of using blood thinners, such as:

- Abdominal pain

- Dizzy

- Muscles weaken

- Hair loss

- Rash or redness on the skin.

Usually, to reduce the risk of side effects from blood thinners, doctors will advise patients not to do strenuous activities that could increase injury or injury.

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