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18 Mei 2024 10:00

Fighting over Syifa Hadju in the soap opera Saleha, 10 portraits of the style of Teuku Ryan and Harris Vriza

The two Saleha players both come from Aceh. Ida Setyaningsih
Fighting over Syifa Hadju in the soap opera Saleha, 10 portraits of the style of Teuku Ryan and Harris Vriza foto: Instagram/@harrisvriza; Instagram/@teukuryantr

Brilio.net - The soap opera Saleha is currently a show that is being loved by Indonesian soap opera fans. This soap opera, which aired on SCTV, succeeded in captivating the hearts of the audience with its quite complicated love triangle story.

This soap opera, which will premiere on May 10 2024, stars well-known actors and actresses. Among others, there are Syifa Hadju, Harris Vriza and Teuku Ryan as the three main actors. Meanwhile, the other actors include Kinaryosih, Ponco Buwono, Teddy Syach and others.

It is said that Saleha, played by Syifa Hadju, is a girl who is struggling to find her father figure. His father, played by Teddy Syach, did not want to raise him after his wife died while giving birth to Saleha.

On the other hand, Saleha also managed to attract the hearts of two handsome men who were fighting over her. None other than Nando, played by Harris Vriza, and Azzam, played by Teuku Ryan.

Yes, in the soap opera Harris Vriza and Teuku Ryan were cast as the men fighting over Syifa Hadju. What is the style of these two men fighting like? Check out the portrait, as reported by brilio.net from Instagram Harris Vriza and Teuku Ryan, Friday (17/5).

1. This is the portrait of these two handsome actors when they pose macho and candid in monochrome clothing.

Harris Vriza and Teuku Ryan style fight
Instagram/@harrisvriza; Instagram/@teukuryantr

2. These two Saleha players both come from Aceh, you know. The casual style of the portrait is even cooler, isn't it?

Harris Vriza and Teuku Ryan style fight
Instagram/@harrisvriza; Instagram/@teukuryantr

3. Harris Vriza has been involved in acting since 2015, while Teuku Ryan only entered the entertainment industry in 2021.

Harris Vriza and Teuku Ryan style battle
Instagram/@harrisvriza; Instagram/@teukuryantr

4. Harris Vriza turns out to be one year older than Teuku Ryan. Harris is now 30 years old, while Ria Ricis' ex-husband is now 29 years old. Even so, both of them look youthful like teenagers.

Harris Vriza and Teuku Ryan style battle
Instagram/@harrisvriza; Instagram/@teukuryantr

IB :

5. Both are wearing suits, they both look dashing. Harris Vriza with a combination of songket and weaving, while Teuku Ryan wore a bright colored semi-formal jacket.

Harris Vriza and Teuku Ryan style fight
Instagram/@harrisvriza; Instagram/@teukuryantr

6. Dressing in a formal suit makes these two actors look even cooler.

Harris Vriza and Teuku Ryan style fight
Instagram/@harrisvriza; Instagram/@teukuryantr

7. This is a portrait while performing the Umrah pilgrimage. The two actors who play the role of fighting over Syifa Hadju appear charismatic.

Harris Vriza and Teuku Ryan style battle
Instagram/@harrisvriza; Instagram/@teukuryantr

8. Dressed in Muslim clothes, these two actors from Aceh look charming.

Harris Vriza and Teuku Ryan style fight
Instagram/@harrisvriza; Instagram/@teukuryantr

9. Likewise, when posing with their hands in their pockets, Harris Vriza and Teuku Ryan both looked stunning and dashing.

Harris Vriza and Teuku Ryan style fight
Instagram/@harrisvriza; Instagram/@teukuryantr

10. Both wore earth tone jackets, Harris chose to pose with a faint smile, while Teuku Ryan chose to pose fiercely.

Harris Vriza and Teuku Ryan style battle
Instagram/@harrisvriza; Instagram/@teukuryantr

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