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27 Desember 2024 17:05

Fico Fachriza reveals the reason for asking Kiki, former Coboy Junior, for money for his father's funeral

Fico admitted that his actions were wrong and that he had done evil. Devi Aristyaputri
Fico Fachriza reveals the reason for asking Kiki, former Coboy Junior, for money for his father's funeral foto: Instagram/@ficofachriza_

Brilio.net - Comedian Fico Fachriza has become the public spotlight after the revelation of the fraud he committed against a number of fellow artists, one of the victims being Teuku Ryzki, a former member of Coboy Junior, who is familiarly called Kiki. Fico borrowed money from Kiki on the pretext of paying for his stepfather's funeral.

In the conversation uploaded by Kiki, Fico sent a message stating that his stepfather had passed away. The funeral procession had to be postponed due to the cost of burial, condolences, funeral prayers, and ambulance rental. Experiencing this, Fico asked for a loan of money as much as he could from Kiki, former Coboy Junior.

"This is Fico, my mother's husband passed away and we are constrained by the cost of burial, condolences, funeral prayers and ambulances. Please help if you are sincere to the account in Fico's name," said the message uploaded by Kiki on Instagram @tekuryz, quoted Friday (27/12).

photo: Instagram/@teukuryz

Not only concerning his family, Fico explained that the problem started from a car accident he experienced. The severe damage to the vehicle made it cost him a lot of money to repair.

Fico also denied allegations that the accident was caused by alcohol or drugs. He stressed that the damage to his car was due to a technical problem, not his negligence.

photo: Instagram/@ficofachriza_

After the case surfaced, Fico admitted his actions and apologized through a clarification video. He explained that his actions were triggered by financial problems he faced due to the wrong investment, which led to him being trapped in an online loan (pinjol). In his comments, Fico wrote, "Yes, trust is your right, Po @anantarasipo. Some of the rights entrusted were delivered, but I honestly have a pinjol problem because of the wrong investment," explained Fico.

Admitting that it was a wrong action and considering himself evil, Fico apologized for the way he treated Kiki, former Coboy Junior member, and a number of other artists.

"But it was evil. I was forced to lie to @teukuryz because I moved a workshop to Bandung, when I didn't have any money. Forgive me. Ki, that's also evil. So if I feel like I'm not evil, I'm wrong. It turns out I'm evil, but I didn't realize it. Forgive me, Po. Thank you to everyone, I love you," explained Fico.

photo: Instagram/@anantarispo

Fico's brother, Ananta Rispo, in his Instagram post also handled this case by reminding his friends not to lend money to Fico for any reason. He wrote, "Friends, if Fico has money to borrow for any reason, don't give it to him. Many have been lent for the wrong reasons. Especially if the reason is family, thank God the family is fine."

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