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3 Juli 2016 12:36

Fear of breaking up? Ghostbot app is what you need!

If you don’t have time to answer annoying messages or are just too uninterested to care to reply, Ghostbot is made for you! Celia Tholozan
Fear of breaking up? Ghostbot app is what you need!

Brilio.net/en - It had to be created at some point: the ghosting trend, also known as simply disappearing without a trace,, has been practised by humans since the dawn of time. With the emergence of social network and dating websites, it has become a social act and a perfectly normal thing to do

There truly isn't a more overt way to let someone know you're not interested than completely ignoring them. It is a fact that the opposite of love is not hate, but ignorance. However, it can be a bit harsh sometimes. Weve all learned the power of communication. Its always better to make yourself understood rather than not giving any life signals at all.

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Since replying to people you don't want to deal with is annoying, it was most definitely time that the Tech world took care of us! And that is what Ghostbot is made for: to tell people that you are not interested, thanks the usual kind of messages everyone is too busy to write by themselves anyway.

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The app uses artificial intelligence software to read the messages of the person you want to ghost. It then automatically generates random answers you dont have the time to create by yourself. Sorry I dont have time today, Ive got a lot of work but maybe next time or a simple no are some of the examples. You can see more in the presentation video:

Let's face it, being ghosted is a hard hit to the ego, but being the victim of someone harassment can also be unpleasant, explains the founders of the app. While there is truth in that, using an app might not be the best way to approach the situation. Is it a sign of the times that our society is evolving to use smart tech to avoid romantic blunders?

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