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1 Juni 2016 15:06

Fall back into childhood at a Cuddle puddle party

The cuddle puddle was set up initially to be a social event for adults that want to meet new people in an original and cozy context. Celia Tholozan
© Disco Chateau

Brilio.net/en - The creative collective Disco Chateau formed by four entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley in California developed a very innovative concept, which is literally a brand new way to party.

If you are wondering what the genius engineers and developers working for Apple, Google or Facebook were doing for fun and thought that is would limit to a bunch of pizzas and sodas in front of the latest videogame, you were wrong!

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For a few years now, more and more creative parties and others ways to have fun are multiplying in Silicon Valley, considered the cradle of technology and thus, the place where new innovations are born.

Among which, the Hackathons (marathon of hacking), Googleplex (the very special headquarters of Google) but also the puppy hour and the cuddle puddle by Disco Chateau.

The concept is simple and perfectly defined by the collectives belief: to bring a bit of tenderness in this technological world! In other words, to spend the night lying in the middle of giant stuffed animals among other people, to listen to music, chat and of course cuddle each other!

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The cuddle puddle was set up initially to be a social event for adults that want to meet new people in an original and cozy context. To sprawl on a bed of teddy bears can definitely be lot of fun and also a nice way to fall back into childhood. The reminder of our younger years brings out peoples sensitivity and allows for some to better connect to their emotions.

The cuddle puddle even has therapeutic effects according to the description available on the website, the deeper you sink into the mass of stuffed animals that surround you, the greater the sense of euphoria and release of oxytocin.

Cute but not as innocent as it looks, the concept is now part of the festivities at the famous and over-playful Burning Man festival. It is strictly reserved for adults of course and we can let you imagine the various derived activities that can result from such soothing atmosphere!

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