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25 Agustus 2024 16:56

Even blocking family numbers, Nunung's sad story is that her children never asked about her when she had cancer.

Nunung felt that her battle with cancer should be enough to encourage her family to ask about her health. Syeny Wulandari
Even blocking family numbers, Nunung's sad story is that her children never asked about her when she had cancer.

Brilio.net - Comedian Nunung was diagnosed with breast cancer . After undergoing a series of treatments such as surgery and chemotherapy, Nunung's condition is currently improving.

For information, the chemotherapy process that Nunung underwent herself was completed at the end of 2023. At that time, Nunung felt healthy and did not experience any complaints.

After his condition improved significantly, Nunung explained that the treatment process has now been completed. The Surakarta-born comedian only needs to undergo a check-up.

Although her health condition has improved, Nunung expressed her sadness regarding her relationship with her family, especially her children. In a recent Wendy Cagur podcast, Nunung shared her feelings about how she felt neglected by her family during her illness.

photo: Instagram/@nunung63.official

Nunung explained that while she was battling cancer and facing vision problems, she felt very weak and emotional.

" People like me, especially when I had cancer yesterday. Then I have to now I can't see in my right eye. And I have to have surgery. That makes me like a really crybaby. I become a weak person ," Nunung complained as quoted by brilio.net from Wendy Cagur's YouTube, Sunday (25/8).

Nunung expressed her disappointment because none of her family members asked about her health while she was sick. She felt that her fight against cancer should have been enough to encourage her family to ask about her health. But in reality, none of her children cared.

" Now, why doesn't anyone tell me if I'm healthy or anything. Even though I'm sick. Sometimes I'm like that ," he explained.

photo: YouTube/WENDI CAGUR

Although her husband offered to talk to their children, Nunung refused. The comedian hopes they will realize it themselves.

" Honey, no need to tell them. They should know for themselves. That's all. The family's children. No one asked anything, honey ," explained Nunung.

Nunung also revealed that she always tries to communicate with her family. Even for small things like asking if they have eaten. However, she felt disappointed because she did not get the same attention when she was sick.

" I'm the one who always asks them. Even when they're eating. Have you eaten yet? I still have time every day. What do you want to eat? If they don't like it, what do they want to eat. Even though it's far away. I keep asking. But I'm sick, they don't know ," said the 61-year-old woman.

Feeling irritated by this situation, Nunung took quite an extreme step. She closed her family's access by blocking their contacts.

" I was so annoyed. I blocked all my extended family. Maybe I was annoyed ," he said.

photo: YouTube/WENDI CAGUR

However, Nunung also felt guilty for her actions and prayed for guidance. When performing worship, Nunung poured out all her feelings to the Creator.

"But when I pray, I pray. Oh Allah. I took a path like this. Is it wrong, O Allah? Give me a way out. I'm not cruel to them. Rebuke me, O Allah. Give me a solution. Give me a way out ," he hoped.

Through her prayers, Nunung hopes to receive guidance and solutions that can bring peace to her relationship with her extended family. Nunung also hopes that by sharing her story in this podcast, her family will hear and understand her feelings.

" Maybe they will watch this podcast ," said the member of the Srimulat comedy group.

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