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11 Juni 2024 10:19

Eross Sheila on 7 guitar auction for IDR 32 million for donations to Palestine, reaching hundreds of millions

Eross Sheila on 7 held an auction for her favorite guitar, 100% of the proceeds of which were donated to Gaza, Palestine. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
Eross Sheila on 7 guitar auction for IDR 32 million for donations to Palestine, reaching hundreds of millions foto: Instagram/@erosscandra

Brilio.net - The conflict currently taking place in Palestine continues to receive world attention. Thousands of human lives seemed worthless due to the brutality of Israeli bombardment. Various moral and financial supports were provided to the surviving communities. One of them was carried out by Eross Candra Sheila on 7.

Eross did not want to remain silent when he saw Palestinians. As a guitarist, he gave up one of his favorite guitars for auction. The proceeds from the auction will be sent entirely to the people of Gaza, Palestine.

Even though the guitar is an inanimate object, the instrument he often uses for performances is of course emotionally tied to Eross, so it has its own sentimental value for him. In this auction, the Sheila on 7 guitarist collaborated with Smosyu Music Bekasi and the online fundraising platform Kitabisa.

photo: Instagram/@erosscandra

" A little story about this guitar (Fender Telecaster Eross Candra #28). #28 is the guitar that I have personally used since @sheilaon7 first performed after the pandemic ended, " wrote Eross on his Instagram @erosscandra, reported by brilio.net on Tuesday (11 /6).

As he himself wrote, the guitar he often uses to make videos and perform is a Fender Telecaster type guitar. Judging from the sweelee.co.id site, the guitar is being sold for IDR 32,205,000. Eross also said that the guitar was the guitar used at the "Wait for Me in Jakarta 2023" counter.

This concert was a memorable one for Eross, because it was the first concert after the Covid-19 pandemic ended. However, in the name of humanity, one of the founders of Sheila on 7 gave up his guitar. He also emphasized that 100 percent of the auction results would be handed over to Baznas for Gaza, and distribution would be monitored.

"God willing, it will be right on target for those who need it (watermelon emoji). Hopefully #28 can continue to brighten the hearts of anyone who plays it, like I always brighten up when I play it," Eross concluded his statement.

Then the post attracted the attention of netizens. In this case, Eross immediately emphasized that don't just take part in the auction for fun. Because the proceeds from the auction are used for humanitarian causes. The online auction, which starts at IDR 5 million, opens on Saturday (8/6) and closes the following day.

"Please don't bid & run or just for fun, because 100% of the proceeds from the auction will be given to our brothers in Gaza to Baznas via @kitabisa," said Smosyu Music.

photo: Instagram/@erosscandra

Many netizens immediately set prices according to their abilities in the comments column. From initially only IDR 5 million, some even reached hundreds of millions . Until finally the auction was closed and we found out who the auction winner was.

It was announced directly by Eross that the winner was the @cyberbagus account. He dared to bid at IDR 125,000,000. From initially only wanting to auction 1 guitar, Eross ultimately had to let go of 3 of his beloved guitars. This is because he announced three winners from the auction.

Number two is held by the account @remembernovemberfers with a price of IDR 110,100,000. Meanwhile, the third was won by @Faizallubisaja with a nominal value of IDR 100,000,000. All these funds have reportedly been received by Kitabisa as the distributor.

" Thank you to @cyberbagus who has won the auction for the Fender Telecaster Signature Eross Candra guitar. The funds have been received by @kitabisacom & will be distributed to Gaza Palestine via Baznas ," wrote the account @smosyu_music.

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