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20 Juni 2016 09:25

Dubai's grand plan in launching driverless cars

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to ride a vehicle that can operate completely on its own? Sahil Nathani
Dubai's grand plan in launching driverless cars

Brilio.net/en - Many of us today are increasingly dependent on chauffeurs to commute. As bizarre as it may sound, Dubai is now implementing strategies towards the establishment of driverless, or smart, cars. Dubais ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, has a target goal of having 25% of transportation to be facilitated by smart vehicles by the year 2030.

Imagine what it would feel like to own a technologically-advanced smart car. Apart from allowing us to be independent, such vehicles also boost safety. With the upcoming user-friendly procedures to operate the smart cars, it would mean that accidents would be far less likely to take place when compared to being driven by someone. Finally, driverless cars would also boost the economy of Dubai for there would be far less operational costs being borne by the nation to operate taxis.

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Image viatimeoutdubai

The oil-driven nation already boasts a driverless Metro rail system. If this innovation turns out successfully, this could just be the yet another massive milestone in Dubai, and perhaps in some of the worlds transportation industry too!

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