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6 Maret 2024 16:55

Denying accusations of playing along with her husband's ex-wife, Deswita Maharani calls Risma Nilawati her inspiration

Three times the same as Deswita, Risma Nilawati also said that her closeness to Ferry Maryadi's wife was like family. Ferra Listianti
Denying accusations of playing along with her husband's ex-wife, Deswita Maharani calls Risma Nilawati her inspiration

Brilio.net - Deswita Maharani's interaction with Ferry Maryadi's ex-wife, Risma Nilawati, successfully stole the public's attention. The reason is, Deswita and Risma still have a good relationship. In fact, the closeness between the two is often said to be like that of siblings . This then aroused public curiosity.

When she was a guest star on the Pagi Pagi Ambyar program, Deswita also talked about her closeness to Risma. Already considering her like family, Deswita admitted that she was not only close to her husband's ex-wife, but also to Risma's mother. This was the condition that devastated Deswita when Risma's mother died.

photo: Instagram/@neng_risma

"Risma and I both lost their mothers and she was very close to her mother, she struggled really hard, I really know her struggle, so when I lost my mother, I met her mother, Nonong (Risma), ambu, then "I found out two years later that it turned out that ambu was cancer and I was really devastated," said Deswita, quoted by brilio.net , Wednesday (6/3).

So close, Deswita often entrusts her son from her marriage to Ferry to Risma's family. There was no feeling of awkwardness, Risma's mother accepted the presence of Deswita's child, Kabay Anaking Maryadi, with open arms. Remembering Risma's mother, Deswita said that Ferry Maryadi's former mother-in-law would be upset if she didn't meet her child.

"I used to leave Abay with his mother Nonong a lot when he was a baby. And for example, if I didn't come to pick up Lea and didn't take Abay with me, I would have been that upset," recalled Deswita.

For Deswita, Risma Nilawati is one of the figures who inspires her. Remembering, Risma always provided support to him when he was pregnant. He also learned a lot about parenting from Risma, who already had a baby.

"He inspired me in raising children. I can't imagine not being with Nonong when I was pregnant. He was the one who supported me," he added.

Apart from support from Risma, the moment that made Deswita strong in living her life until now was a message from former father-in-law Ferry Maryadi. This message also made Deswita's relationship with Risma and her family closer. It wouldn't be wrong if Deswita denied that her closeness to Risma was just a gimmick.

"I really remember Nonong's mother's message, Mambu's message was that she just said this to me at that time, 'Allah has taken care of the sustenance. The mother is the one who takes care of her child'. That's why if people say 'ah, this is the arrangement', yes, we are like this. ," said Deswita.

photo: TikTok/@ur.circles

"Nonong and I are not the type to do anything about content because we don't live from content. We don't expect anything from netizens. It's up to them what they want to say," added Deswita.

Three times the same as Deswita, Risma Nilawati also said that her closeness to Ferry Maryadi's wife was like family. In fact, Rimsa already considers Deswita Maharani not only an older sister but also a mother who always gives advice.

"We're really like a family. Mother (Deswita) is like my sister, yes, like a mother too. Why are you like a mother? Because I'm like a child sometimes," explained Risma Nilawati.

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