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15 Maret 2024 19:23

Denies father's innocence, Atta clarifies about the Islamic boarding school land dispute that dragged Halilintar Asmid

Atta provided clarification as if to prove that his father was innocent. Ferra Listianti

Brilio.net - The dispute over ownership of land assets between Halilintar Anofial Asmid , Atta's father, and the Al Anshar Pekanbaru Foundation, is still ongoing. Halilintar Anofial Asmid has not yet spoken about the oblique accusation. However, his son, Atta, provided clarification as if to prove that his father was innocent.

Inviting Gen Halilintar management and lawyer, Jejen Jaenudin, Atta revealed the facts regarding the alleged confiscation of assets of an Islamic boarding school in Pekanbaru, Riau. Jejen Jaenudin explained that the land dispute in question did not belong to the Islamic boarding school but to a foundation.

"It's not an Islamic boarding school after we actually investigated it. It's a foundation," said Jejen Jaenudin, as management of Gen Halilintar, as reported by brilio.net from YouTube AH, Friday (15/3).

Meanwhile, Lucky Omega Hasan, the lawyer handling Atta's father's case, said that the case facing Halilintar Anofial Asmid was no longer a land dispute. Bearing in mind, the ownership certificate and the two plots of land in question are the legal ownership of Atta's father.

photo: YouTube/Need A Talk

"So in this context, Mr. Hali, as our client, filed a lawsuit, we filed it in early 2024, and we filed the lawsuit against two parties, one an individual and the second a foundation. What we want to clarify is that it is no longer a land dispute, because it is a land dispute "It has been completed and has permanent legal force, and it has been confirmed that the title certificate and 2 plots of land in Pekanbaru belong to our client Mr. Halilintar," said Lucky Omega.

Atta's father's lawyer explained that his party was suing the foundation because the certificate requested after being approved by the court was never provided. Meanwhile, the certificate legally belongs to the father of 11 children.

"What we are suing is, because after Mr. Halilintar was declared the legal owner of the two plots of land and his certificate was strengthened by the courts up to the Supreme Court, we asked nicely to return his certificate," said Lucky Omega.

Denying that Halilintar Anofial Asmid was guilty, Lucky emphasized that the land in dispute had been certified since 1998. In fact, Atta's father made allowances for anyone to use the land without ever bringing it up.

photo: YouTube/Need A Talk

"The land has been used, even since Pak Hali bought the land, it was certified in 1998 and 1999, never disturbing or objecting and even providing space for parties who want to use it for social purposes, especially education," explained Lucky.

Regarding the many questions asked by the public about Atta, Aurel Hermansyah's husband revealed that he had never enjoyed the land in the slightest. Instead of inheriting land, Atta Halilintar was only provided with education and knowledge which became his capital for doing business.

photo: YouTube/Need A Talk

"He bought this when I wasn't born yet. Moreover, Tariq. Bought it in the 90s, I wasn't born yet. Only when the certificate was issued in 98-99, Tariq was just born. Because my father didn't leave any inheritance to me until today. I just "I was entrusted with knowledge, life education. As for knowledge, yes, as for money, vehicles, houses, never. Zero from my father," said Atta.

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