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16 Agustus 2024 08:25

Consuming too much sugar has the same impact as smoking, here are the facts

Excessive sugar consumption can quickly deteriorate health. Khansa Nabilah
foto: Unsplash.com; Pixabay.com

Brilio.net - Excessive sugar consumption has become a serious health problem in many countries. United States health experts say sugar is as dangerous and addictive as alcohol or tobacco and needs to be regulated. They propose new policies such as taxation to control the surge in sugar and sweetener consumption.

Several countries have already implemented taxes on unhealthy foods, with Denmark and Hungary imposing a tax on saturated fats and France passing a tax on soft drinks. Now researchers in the US are proposing a similar policy for added sugar and sweeteners, amid concerns about the amount of sugar in the diet. Sugar consumption has tripled worldwide over the past 50 years, with links to obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.

As reported by News Medical, Prof. Robert Lustig from the University of California stated that the government needs to consider a major shift in policy. These steps could include imposing taxes, restricting the sale of sugary foods and drinks during school hours, or even banning children under a certain age from buying them. According to him, sugar meets all the criteria for social intervention like alcohol and tobacco.

Growing evidence links excessive fructose consumption to health problems including hypertension and diabetes. Early studies have also linked it to cancer and cognitive decline. They suggest that sugar, like tobacco and alcohol, primes the brain to encourage further intake.

Then, does consuming excess sugar have the same impact as smoking? Here brilio.net collects the facts from various sources on Thursday (8/15).

Excess sugar vs smoking, which is more dangerous?

photo: Pixabay.com

The comparison between the dangers of sugar and cigarettes shows surprising results. Initially, people do not realize the dangers of cigarettes for health because the effects are not immediately felt. One cigarette actually helps relieve stress and anxiety , providing a sense of calm and a surge of energy.

As reported by Diabets Daily, the negative impacts of smoking are only seen after a long period of time. Smokers face an increased risk of various health problems such as genetic damage, cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Although dangerous, people still smoke because of the addictive nicotine content.

Sugar can be just as toxic as cigarettes. Sugar is hard to avoid because it is found in many foods, even those considered healthy like bread, yogurt, smoothies, tomato sauce, and baked beans. Avoiding sugar is harder than cigarettes and nicotine.

Excessive sugar consumption can quickly deteriorate health. Research shows that the more added sugar you consume, the fewer healthy food choices you eat. This is because sugar can interfere with your sense of taste and your body's systems.

The effects of sugar on the body are similar to cigarettes, which are not immediately felt but damage organs slowly. Excessive sugar consumption can cause obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Studies also show that sweet foods can be as addictive as nicotine and cocaine.

Foods and drinks high in sugar should be treated like cigarettes.

photo: Unsplash.com

Several countries have implemented warning labels on packaged foods, such as cigarette packs, to alert consumers of the risks. According to Time, Chile's "high content" label policy on sugary drinks dramatically reduced consumption of those drinks.

In France, the government has approved a tax on soft drinks in an effort to reduce consumption of high-sugar drinks, while Denmark and Hungary have introduced taxes on foods high in saturated fat.

Experts are calling for the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to immediately implement mandatory front-of-package labeling for packaged foods in the US. This is important so that consumers can easily understand the nutritional value of foods and make informed decisions about what they consume. Especially for ingredients that are harmful if consumed in excess, such as sugar.

The FDA recommends that adults consume no more than 50 grams of added sugar per day (based on a 2,000-calorie diet). Yet the average American consumes about a third of a pound of added sugar each day, more than three times the recommended amount. That equates to more than 100 pounds of sugar per person per year. With that much sugar consumption, its no wonder that 49% of American adults have diabetes or pre-diabetes.

photo: Pixabay.com

Academic research published in peer-reviewed medical journals supports the common knowledge that excessive sugar consumption can lead to serious chronic conditions. The adverse effects include fatigue, anxiety, memory loss, ADHD, and even a shortened lifespan. The fact that sugar is so biologically addictive studies show it is eight times more addictive than cocaine makes the fact that it is hidden in so many foods even more dangerous.

Experts are calling for high-sugar foods and drinks to be treated like cigarettes when it comes to labelling and regulation. They argue that consumers deserve clear, visible information about the sugar content of the food they eat. This could raise awareness, reduce the negative impacts of sugar and help millions of people live healthier, longer lives.

By implementing clear labeling policies and limiting sugar consumption such as cigarettes, it is hoped that the public can make healthier choices. This step is believed to help reduce the negative impact of excessive sugar consumption on public health in general. It is hoped that awareness of the dangers of excess sugar can also improve the quality of public health in the future.

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