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19 Agustus 2024 09:20

Confirming that she does not want peace with Armor Toreador, this is the reason Cut Intan only reported experiencing domestic violence now

Intan hopes that victims of domestic violence out there will also dare to report the cases they have experienced. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial

Brilio.net - Cut Intan Nabila, a celebrity and former fencing athlete who experienced domestic violence from her husband is still a topic of conversation. Previously, her husband, Armor Toreador, admitted to regretting it and wanted to invite Cut Intan to reconcile because their three children were still young and needed affection from their father. However, Cut Intan refused the offer and said that this case would continue.

"There is some conflicting news out there that Intan wants to clarify, regarding the withdrawal of the lawsuit, there is nothing at all," said Cut Intan Nabila, quoted by brilio.net from Intens Investigasi on Monday (19/8).

Cut Intan and Armor have been married since 2019. The 23-year-old woman admitted that she has always suffered for the past 5 years. She even described her life as hell. Therefore, she will not back down in the ongoing legal process.

photo: Instagram/@cut.intannabila

"As a victim, I have suffered enough for the past five years and my life has been like hell. So I will not back down. This legal process will continue and I will ask for justice, as fair as possible," added Cut Intan.

In addition, this step was also taken so that no one else would receive the same fate as her. Cut Intan emphasized that victims out there should dare to report the domestic violence they are experiencing.

"For women out there who experience things like Intan who experience domestic violence, they must speak up. And they must not close themselves off too much like I did," she continued.

photo: Instagram/@cut.intannabila

She also said that because of the isolation , her family was shocked to hear about this case. Not only that, they were also depressed by what Cut Intan experienced. Moreover, this mother of three children is not the type of person who easily talks.

"For the family, it must be very stressful. Yesterday was also a shock because I am not the type of person who easily talks. So the family does not know much about this case. Moreover, there is not a single person who really knows the details about the problems in this case," said Cut Intan.

Intan also said that maybe what she looks like right now is her physical condition. However, it turns out she experienced so much trauma. In her head, memories of domestic violence that she often felt always ring.

photo: Instagram/@cut.intannabila

"Actually, Intan's condition may seem fine now, but it's because she's used to being like this. So, please continue to help because deep down in her heart, there are still a lot of traumas and memories about events, not just yesterday's events, but many other events," he said.

In fact, before this Cut Intan had reported the domestic violence she experienced to the Religious Court several times. However, these efforts also failed many times. The reason is, at that time she still hoped that her husband could change his attitude to no longer play hands.

"Actually, there were attempts to report him but they failed. I also went to the Religious Court twice but it also failed. Yes, maybe at that time I didn't realize whether he could change or not. I thought it wasn't a problem, I really hoped that he would change," he said.

But slowly Cut Intan realized that Armor's treatment could threaten her life. Not only that, her three young children also suffered from the domestic violence. That's why she only dared to report it now so that her husband would be processed legally.

"His actions have not only threatened my life, but also the lives of his children. So finally I tried to report it for the sake of my children too. A few years ago I didn't report it for the sake of my children but now I also report it for the sake of my children," said Cut Intan.

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