- It cannot be denied, ' Bajaj Bajuri' became one of the popular soap operas in the early 2000s. This soap opera tells the story of the simple life of a bajaj driver, Bang Bajuri, with his family and neighbors. Living in a simple village, there are a series of hilarious events in their lives.
It is so iconic that various Bajaj Bajuri episodes still remain imprinted in the audience's memory. In several episodes, Bajaj Bajuri invites other artists as guest stars. One of them is Ahmad Dhani. During his career, Ahmad Dhani was not only skilled as a musician, he also played in soap operas.
In this comedy genre soap opera, he plays the original character. Al El Dul's father also showed his acting talent with other senior artists in the sitcom. Are you curious about Ahmad Dhani's moment when he played in the soap opera Bajaj Bajuri? Here, summarizes his portrait from YouTube Bang Ros, Thursday (11/4).
1. The television program that aired from 2002-2007 showed the figure of Ahmad Dhani with his hair still long.
Ahmad Dhani at Bajaj Bajuri
YouTube/Bang Ros
2. Not long after, he ran into Ucup who was riding a Vespa. Immediately, Ucup offered a lift.
Ahmad Dhani at Bajaj Bajuri
YouTube/Bang Ros
3. However, in the middle of the journey, the Vespa broke down and hampered the trip.
Ahmad Dhani at Bajaj Bajuri
YouTube/Bang Ros
4. Even though he looked annoyed, Mulan Jameela's husband couldn't help but push Ucup's Vespa.
Ahmad Dhani at Bajaj Bajuri
YouTube/Bang Ros
5. He was also seen at Oneng's house looking for a letter he had left behind.
Ahmad Dhani at Bajaj Bajuri
YouTube/Bang Ros
6. Ahmad Dhani appeared relaxed wearing a t-shirt and shorts.
Ahmad Dhani at Bajaj Bajuri
YouTube/Bang Ros
7. Meanwhile, his hair looks in a mullet style which was popular in his time.
Ahmad Dhani at Bajaj Bajuri
YouTube/Bang Ros
8. Even though he has just tried acting, his abilities are already very cool. He was able to balance his acting with the late Nani Wijaya.
Ahmad Dhani at Bajaj Bajuri
YouTube/Bang Ros
9. It's not surprising that Ahmad Dhani's scene in this sitcom caused laughter from the audience.
Ahmad Dhani at Bajaj Bajuri
YouTube/Bang Ros