- The couple Bunga Citra Lestari and Tiko Aryawadhana often attract public attention. This is because their romance is still warm as newlyweds. Not wanting to be outdone by young couples, BCL and Tiko often celebrate important moments in their relationship.
As recently, the couple, who married on December 2 2023, showed off their affection while celebrating 2 months of marriage. In BCL's upload on Instagram, Tiko gave a simple and sweet surprise for his wife.
Interestingly, it wasn't luxury items or flowers that Tiko gave, but BCL's favorite food. Even though it was just a simple little surprise, this moment succeeded in making netizens excited. Bunga Citra Lestari, who was shocked, couldn't contain her happiness
Are you curious about the moment Tiko Aryawardhana gave BCL a sweet surprise? The following is the complete portrait as summarized by from Instagram @itsmebcl, Friday (2/2).
1. Right in the early hours of the morning, Friday (2/2) BCL was suddenly given a sweet surprise by her beloved husband.
Tiko BCL celebrates two months
2. Tiko did this when his wife was relaxing on the sofa.
Tiko BCL celebrates two months
3. Apparently Tiko gave BCL a surprise by presenting his wife with some cotton candy, aka cotton candy.
Tiko BCL celebrates two months
4. Seeing this, BCL immediately expressed her happiness and surprise, because her husband brought her favorite food.
Tiko BCL celebrates two months
5. She felt very annoyed with her husband's attitude in giving her her favorite cotton candy.
Tiko BCL celebrates two months
6. Not only did he bring cotton candy, Tiko also wore a t-shirt with an iconic picture of his wife. Acute bucin!
Tiko BCL celebrates two months
7. There are 2 types of cotton candy, shaped like birthday cakes and cute dolls. Very cool, right?
Tiko BCL celebrates two months
8. Tiko also gave his wife a warm kiss while handing her various cute cotton candy.
Tiko BCL celebrates two months
9. They ended the celebration by eating cotton candy together.
Tiko BCL celebrates two months