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6 Maret 2024 04:00

Celebrating a decade, Prambanan Jazz Festival 2024 presents AR Rahman singer of the song Chaiyya Chaiyya

AR Rahman's presence on the Prambanan Jazz stage seemed like a dream come true. Dewi Suci Rahmadhani
Celebrating a decade, Prambanan Jazz Festival 2024 presents AR Rahman singer of the song Chaiyya Chaiyya foto: Prambanan Jazz

Brilio.net - Music lovers will soon be able to enjoy the performance of a number of famous jazz musicians. Yep, the 2024 Prambanan Jazz Festival will soon be held on 5-7 July 2024 at Prambanan Temple. This year's event is also a moment to celebrate Prambanan Jazz's decade-long journey since it was first held in 2015. At the special event, Prambanan Jazz will feature a series of musicians, starting from Ardhito Pramono, Calvin Jeremy, Indra Lesmana, Javier Parisi, Nadin Amizah, Sal Priadi, Nonaria, and many more.

Apart from the names above, the 2024 Prambanan Jazz Festival also presents a special appearance from the winner of the Oscar and Grammy Awards, namely Allah Rakha Rahman or known as AR Rahman. Yep, the singer of the Indian song Chaiyya Chaiyya which is popular in Indonesia is scheduled to appear on the second day of the 2024 Prambanan Jazz Festival.

photo: Prambanan Jazz

Apart from Chaiyya Chaiyya, AR Rahman's song Jai Ho is also no less popular. Jai Ho managed to become the main soundtrack in the box office film Slumdog Millionaire which was successful in America and England.

After returning from England, he began working as a lyricist, composer and scorer. This singer from India, nicknamed the Mozart of Madras, is also known to have held a solo concert in Malaysia in 2023 with a total of 63 thousand spectators.

Founder of Prambanan Jazz Festival, Anas Alimi said that AR Rahman is the embodiment of harmony, quality, energy and humility. His presence on the Prambanan Jazz stage seemed like a dream come true.

photo: Prambanan Jazz

"Presenting AR Rahman on the Prambanan Jazz stage is a dream come true, not just a musical performance, but this is an important cultural event," explained Anas.

That talent and genius is what the Prambanan Jazz Festival displays this year. Presenting the bright light that Asia emits for musical masterpieces on stage set in the masterpiece of Indonesia's past, namely the Prambanan Temple.

photo: Prambanan Jazz

President Director of PT TWC & Co Promoter of Prambanan Jazz, Febrina Intan said, Prambanan Temple is known not only as a world cultural heritage destination, but also as an embodiment of the mingling of cultures in Indonesia, especially Yogyakarta and its surroundings. AR Rahman's presence will of course also add to the cultural richness of Prambanan Temple. The combination of Hindu and Javanese cultural values, incorporating elements of conservation and education in destination development, is a special attraction for visiting tourists.

"The presence of AR Rahman, with his unique musical characteristics will certainly add to the richness of cultural diversity at Prambanan Temple," he said.

At the celebration of a decade of Prambanan Jazz, Traveloka had the honor of being appointed as the official ticketing partner for the 2024 Prambanan Jazz Festival. The President Director of Rajawali Indonesia also said that visitors can order tickets via the Traveloka application or website.

To watch AR Rahman on the special show stage, there are 3 class categories including Gold, Diamond and VIP with prices starting from IDR 900 thousand excluding Prambanan Temple entrance tickets, taxes and admin fees, but includes access to the super festival stage on that day .

Visitors can also fulfill their travel needs through the Traveloka application. Jazz music fans can easily find a variety of travel products, from transportation, hotels, to attractions and activities at Prambanan Temple and its surroundings. Keep up to date with the latest information and developments on the 2024 Prambanan Jazz Festival via the Instagram account @prambananjazz.

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