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16 Juli 2024 13:40

Calling each other about children's cars, this is the point of Okie Agustina's peace offering to Gunawan Dwi Cahyo

Gunawan agreed to this peace for the sake of the children. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
Calling each other about children's cars, this is the point of Okie Agustina's peace offering to Gunawan Dwi Cahyo Instagram/@okieagustina_; @gunawandwicahyo13

Brilio.net - The relationship drama between Okie Agustina and Gunawan Dwi Cahyo continues even though the two of them have divorced. Previously, they filed subpoenas against each other because they had a dispute over their son's car. There, Oki said that Gunawan took and pawned the car without permission. Meanwhile, Gunawan's party dismissed this.

Facing the conflict that occurred, Okie Agustina decided to submit a peace offering proposal to her ex-husband. This is done to resolve the issue of shared assets after divorce. Gunawan's party admitted that they had read the contents of the proposal.

photo: Instagram/@gunawandwicahyo13

The car issue, which was once widely discussed, is said to have been resolved. Gunawan's party spoke about the peace offer. Brilio.net reported from Kapanlagi.com, Tuesday (16/7) one of the points read, "That regarding the Swift car with plate number F 13** DN, our client has agreed to hand it over completely to Mr. Gunawan Dwi Cahyo."

However, this gift is not free. Okie let her ex-husband take the car with one agreement. Okie asked for a 50% share if their house was sold. This is in addition to Rp. 150 million, which will be given to Miro Materazzi's son Gunawan, in exchange for a Swift with plate number F 1316.

photo: Instagram/@okieagustina_

"That in exchange for selling the house on Jalan Arga Nirwana 7 number 8 BNR, Mulyaharja Village, South Bogor District, Bogor City, our client's share is 50%, plus IDR 150 million, of which the money will be given to Miro Materazzi Gunawan, in exchange for Swift car with license plate number F 13** DN," was written in the offer points.

It is known that the proposal was submitted to Gunawan Dwi Cahyo on Sunday, June 23 2024. After reading and studying it, Gunawan said he agreed with the contents, so that the problem with his ex-wife could be resolved quickly.

"Yes, I accepted the offer (peace proposal)," answered Gunawan in the Senayan area, Central Jakarta, Sunday (14/7).

photo: Instagram/@okieagustina_

He also does not want other people who are not interested to interfere in his household relationships. Gunawan's party also hopes that the child will not be involved and contaminated by this problem.

"So that there are no people who are not interested, who want social assistance or this problem to continue. We both agree here that Mr. Gunawan and Ms. Okie have a son named Miro Materazzi Gunawan, this must really not be allowed to happen. contaminated by this problem," concluded Khoirul Imam, Gunawan's legal team.

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