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25 April 2024 18:20

Bintang Emon's wife said she tested positive for drugs during a lab test, the fact made her shake her head

Bintang Emon revealed that his wife tested positive for drugs during a medical checkup. Ferra Listianti

Brilio.net - Bintang Emon is not a foreign name in the world of entertainment. This comedian, who graduated from the third season of Stand Up Comedy Academy, is known for his humorous content and often provides criticism and input for officials in the form of comedy. But recently, Bintang Emon showed a different upload on his Instagram page.

Bintang said that his wife, Alca Octaviani, tested positive for using drugs based on the results of a laboratory examination. Alca revealed this news via a short message sent to her husband. Suddenly, this shocked Alca and Bintang Emon.

" Today Alca needed a medical checkup, and from there it was discovered that Alca was exposed to promiscuity in Tangerang City ," said Bintang Emon in his upload, reported by brilio.net Thursday (25/4).

photo: Instagram/@staremon

According to Alca Octaviani, he was treated like a suspect in the laboratory after the results came back and tested positive for drug use. The champion of the third season of Stand Up Comedy Academy has confirmed this again.

From there it became known why the wife tested positive for drugs. Apparently, the reason Bintang Emon's wife tested positive for drugs based on laboratory results was because she was taking flu medicine.

" The result is positive hahaha. Because of taking flu medicine, weyyyy. I swear I'm really laughing. Like the suspect is in the lab, " said Alca.

Luckily, Alca brought flu medicine which he had taken when carrying out laboratory tests. The laboratory immediately checked the content of the medicine Alca was taking. Apparently, the flu medicine contains psychotropic substances.

photo: Instagram/@staremon

" The flu medicine you were told to buy by the pharmacist was Nalgestan or whatever. You were told to take it with you and it was activated. From there, the contents were checked. Luckily I brought it, " he explained further.

Arief Muhammad's former employee was asked to return for an examination at the lab next week. When sending a message to Bintang, Alca also described the panic situation in the laboratory when he tested positive.

" Next week, I was told to do it again hahaha. I'll tell you later. I actually made a lab fire ," explained Alca.

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