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23 Mei 2024 22:29

Beware of side effects, for these 6 health conditions it is not recommended to consume ginger

According to an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, there are times when ginger is not good for consumption for certain conditions. Niko Sulpriyono

Brilio.net - Ginger has been part of consumption and culinary culture in Indonesia since ancient times. Although there are no exact records about when ginger was first used in Indonesia, history records that ginger has been cultivated and used in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia for thousands of years.

Not only is it used as a mixture to enrich the taste of food, ginger is also often processed into the main ingredient in traditional drinks , one of which is Wedang Uwuh. Wedang uwuh is a traditional drink made from boiled ginger with brown sugar or granulated sugar. Wedang uwuh can warm the body, relieve coughs and colds, and help digestion.

Reporting from wellandgood.com, ginger is very good for improving health because it contains compounds known as gingerol and shogaol. These two compounds create an antioxidant effect that reduces damage caused by free radicals in the body. However, there are certain conditions where ginger should not be consumed, you know.

According to an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, there are times when ginger is not good for consumption and can even be avoided for certain purposes. Reported by brilio.net from various sources on Wednesday (22/5), the following health conditions are not recommended for consuming ginger.

1. Pregnant women before giving birth.

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Pregnant women who are about to give birth are not advised to consume ginger. The reason is, ginger has properties that can stimulate muscle contractions, including the uterine muscles. In some cases, this can increase the risk of irregular or too strong uterine contractions, which can affect the labor process.

Ginger has natural blood thinning properties which can be a problem before delivery, because the body needs to prepare for the blood clotting process to reduce the risk of bleeding during delivery. Consuming large amounts of ginger can interfere with the body's ability to clot blood efficiently.

2. Hemophilia sufferers.

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Hemophilia sufferers are advised not to consume ginger. Can thin the blood, consuming ginger can worsen bleeding conditions in hemophilia sufferers. This condition can cause bleeding that is more difficult to control and takes longer to stop, both on the surface of the skin and inside the body.

The anticoagulant properties of ginger can lengthen the time it takes for blood to clot. For hemophilia sufferers who already have problems with blood clotting, the addition of blood thinners from ginger can worsen the risk of bleeding.

Hemophilia sufferers also often take medication to help control blood clotting. When ginger is consumed by hemophilia sufferers together with medication, it will reduce the effectiveness of the medication or increase the risk of side effects.

3. Someone who will undergo surgery.

photo: freepik.com

It is not recommended for someone who is undergoing surgery to consume ginger, because its anticoagulant properties can thin the blood. If consumed before surgery, it can interfere with the normal blood clotting process and affect how the body controls bleeding.

Ginger can inhibit blood's ability to clot quickly, causing excessive bleeding during and after surgery. This means that consuming ginger before surgery can make the surgical procedure more difficult and increase the risk of serious complications.

4. Someone who takes blood thinners.

Someone who takes blood thinning medication is advised to avoid drinking ginger. The reason is, ginger has anticoagulant properties which can thin the blood. This property is caused by bioactive compounds in ginger, such as gingerol, which can inhibit blood clotting.

Blood thinners such as warfarin, heparin, aspirin, and clopidogrel work by reducing the blood's ability to clot, thereby preventing blood clots from forming. When combined with ginger, this blood-thinning effect may be enhanced, thereby increasing the risk of excessive bleeding, both internal and external.

5. Someone who takes hypertension medication.

Ginger has properties that can lower blood pressure. The active compounds in ginger, such as gingerol and shogaol, are known to have a vasodilator effect which can widen blood vessels and increase blood flow. These compounds can be beneficial for some people, but for those already taking medication to lower blood pressure these additional effects can pose risks.

Consuming ginger together with antihypertensive drugs can cause an excessive decrease in blood pressure (hypotension). This can cause symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, and confusion which can be dangerous especially if they occur suddenly.

6. Someone who takes diabetes medication.

It is not recommended for someone who takes diabetes medication to drink ginger because it can affect blood sugar levels and interact with medications used to manage diabetes. Ginger has properties that can reduce blood sugar levels.

Active compounds in ginger, such as gingerol, can increase insulin sensitivity and help lower blood sugar levels. Although it can be beneficial in managing diabetes, there are potential risks if taken together with diabetes medications.

Taking ginger together with diabetes medication can increase the risk of hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is a condition where blood sugar levels fall too low. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include dizziness, sweating, weakness, confusion, and in severe cases, seizures or loss of consciousness.

Consuming ginger can also make monitoring and regulating blood sugar levels more complex. Diabetics may need to monitor blood sugar more frequently and adjust medication doses, which can increase the burden and risk of errors.

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